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Ten Of The Top Ways to Best Use Registrations For Forms and Events
The best way to register and receive school tuition or other recurring payments
Here is the best way to create trend lines of first and second time guests
One natural way to bring new life to your small group family
Best practices on how to set up Camp and VBS registrations
How to sign up and manage potlucks and meal trains
How to find leaders and connect people to small groups
How we are preparing for the future of church management software
3 solutions to getting the data leaders need when they need it
New! 5 upgrades and church websites are ready to go
What made 2024 so incredible? Our top 5 blog topics this year.
Use these two outstanding resources to prepare for sending statements
How to collect and track pledges and giving commitments
How to collect, share, and track prayer requests
How to improve your work flow by customizing your dashboard
New! Check out these 8 upgrades from the last 2 months
Interested in Volunteering is a top 10 way churches use Registrations & Forms
Church Membership Form is a Top 10 way churches use Registrations & Forms
New Members Class is a top 10 way churches use Registrations & Forms
Would you like to see a before and after video of new look Churchteams?
Did you guess the big news? We've got a new look.
Connection Cards are a top 10 way churches use Registrations & Forms
Big news we want to tell you about this month!
How to make sure your check-in system is ready to help families feel safe
Use this simple PRIVACY POLICY to keep people in your church safe
Share this if your church is part of an association or network
3 reasons I am hoping to write a book using this blog
The Perpetually Growing Church - Interview w/ Rick Howerton
New! Three shortcut upgrades for staff and two for church members
How we help churches with recurring payments for programs and events
Stewardship 301 - 3 powerful features that help people feel good about giving to your church
Stewardship 201 - Improve your church stewardship development system with these 3 scheduled reports
Stewardship 101 - 3 filters that help pastors recognize givers in their church
New! High volume discounts and group texts from your phone number
New! Upgrades to help keep data clean and people informed
New! Why sending a text is the BEST way to install a Church App
5 best practices for using and analyzing registration form responses
Three reasons cultivating values is worth the hard work
5 categories of registration features to help churches connect families to events
New! The best way to collect attendance from all your worship services
How to keep your staff aligned and your data clean. Church missions software.
How to simplify your church structure to be more clean and effective
New! Check out these four improvements to our communication solutions
How to improve what you know about discipleship progress in your church
How church network and mission non-profits use us to manage their ministry (2)
How church network and mission non-profits use us to manage their ministry (1)
New! A better way to record worship total attendance and decisions
New! Did you know you can pre-print labels and do daily attendance?
Three reasons groups are the best way to organize and manage your church
Which option for calendar software is best for our church?
How to solve the problem and see the potential of worship service attendance
Notes: How to make sure you don't drop the ball with people
Epic! The story of XPMinistry and how we serve other organizations
New! Five feature improvements and two social commitments.
Five company bright spots and one reason we do what we do.
Epic! These sermon application stats will inspire your use of text and workflows
What makes Churchteams different from other Church Management Software?
How does your online giving compare and other survey insights?
New! How to keep your data clean and your donors happy
New! Get the App. Check on follow-up tasks.
The three stages of our growth as a church software company
Epic! How Stetson Baptist helped people invite people back to worship
4 of the best ways to use color-coded attribute responses
Two (Text and App) are better than one, because they improve communication.
New in the App! Chat, your logo on login, and remove features.
New! Texting, deceased actions, and registration upgrades.
Joy and patience were the top results from last week's Growthfinder assessment
How to measure discipleship. Take the FREE, NEW look Growthfinder assessment.
3 reasons the new, staff access upgrade to the Member App is significant
Why our brains zone out and how to improve church communication
3 ways to use our new Member App to improve church communication
Answers to 6 important questions about our Member App coming next week
Why we chose Churchteams and how we're communicating it to staff
How to clean up messy bookshelves, reports and email templates. (Tags)
New! This upgrade makes tuition and other recurring registration payments easy.
Ten innovative ways to maximize the power of workflows in ministry
How to use Text to support your Spanish Church or Ministry
Why Churches Lag Behind with Technology and How You Can Get Ahead
3 common problems with new volunteers and effective ways to solve them
Why the habit of tracking notes is so important to your church
What is a phishing scam? And four ways to avoid getting caught.
How to develop a wedding follow-up system to disciple young couples
Five suggestions for Millenial leaders to help older church members adopt technology
Two attitudes to bridge the generation gap on use of church technology
How to make your follow up system work using buckets and workflows
4 ideas that will improve follow up after big events like Easter
New! Feature upgrades that make your work a little easier
How does Churchteams software help with worship service planning?
Established church pastors podcast, and the #1 problem that keeps them up
The top 4 best practices for award winning use of text messaging
The top eight ways churches are using text messaging
The top six ways businesses are using text messaging
3 reasons why your church needs to consider using text messaging
How to use reports to target pastoral care and discipleship needs
How to track TRUST to diagnose the health of small groups
How to build an assimilation workflow to thank and invite guests back
4 ways we will support churches that are Blackbaud clients
Five reasons demographic data is important for building relationships
Is tracking an objective to achieve or a relationship to enjoy?
Next year, how would you like to improve your use of church software?
The top 10 highlights of 2022. Is church communication software the future?
New! 🙋🏼♂️Chat notifications and seven other changes you might have seen
Survey Results: The most used online giving features and their benefits
Online giving survey results: 3 levels of commitment, and 3 organizational benefits
Survey Results: 4 ideas for year-end giving campaigns
$10 Starbucks gift card for your best ideas on year-end online giving
How Text-to-Check-in is like the Chic-fil-A app.
5 important ideas that will make your church website better
New! 5 problems with church software reports and how we solve them.
3 reasons our least used feature may be the most powerful one.
The best way to make sure your church cares for those grieving loss.
4 Ways to make a big kingdom impact
New! Landing Pages, how to use them to improve ministry communication. 📈
New! 📨 Improve email engagement using links for text and social
Improve website registration using the 1st of these 9 new releases
How texting and QR Codes can improve small group connection
How to interpret data to shepherd well and measure trust in a group.
How to collect small group data and then use it to pray.
Ten lessons from the school of hard knocks that improved Groupfinder.
Seven problems volunteer scheduling software solves and a briefing tomorrow.
Three recommendations for building an effective volunteer system
Seven steps to deal with the stress of volunteer management.
Two truths we hold to be self-evident. 2) All people are equal.
Two truths we hold to be self-evident. 1) All people are created.
Why should churches pay for texting? Built in budgeting features.
Why should churches pay for texting? Compare free texting to Text-to-Church.
Why should churches pay for texting? A short history of business texting.
New releases! Seven guardrails to help you keep your data safe.
The importance of online advertising for churches.
When someone dies, make these six changes to your church database. This new release helps.
How texting can add new levels of warmth to church hospitality.
Short links, website integration, and how does Churchteams texting compare to these guys?
3 customer questions as they consider and compare our texting capabilities.
FREE E-book: Top 50 List of the Best Leadership Books of All Time for Pastors
How to build trust with an Easter follow-up drip campaign.
New! Pre-print name tags & 5 other upgrades.
Four more creative ways Text-to-Chat helps with church communication.
The top three ways Text-to-Chat helps church communication.
How to displace the stress church staff feel with renewed joy.
3 ways to use church management software to reclaim your outward focus.
What is Adaptive Pastoring and how can digital technology help?
Three tools to help you love the cautious people in your church.
New! Six improvements because of our passion for support.
How to see and engage visitors and people who have not come back.
How workflows help you care for new people and avoid assimilation stagnation.
Four new professional texting upgrades to empower your church communication.
How All-Check helps you connect people across all channels of blended worship.
Seven ways life happened to church in the past three years.
What happened in church? Help us discover the best and worst of the last 2 years.
Two customer research insights and how we empower church leaders.
Four ways digital information can help you care for your volunteers.
Why track volunteer gifts of time? To bring joy to the world.
How volunteer scheduling helps you take back your Saturday nights.
Five stops, one software - laying the tracks to train volunteers.
New! Four pledge campaign upgrades you'll love including self-registration.
How to set up background checks to verify your volunteers are safe.
How to manage interviews to get to know prospects and share the volunteer vision
4 ways church software can help you recruit volunteers
How to organize and hack an effective volunteer system.
What difference does a good team make? Check out these new upgrades!
The 3 best reports your team gets from our online giving platform.
Why and how to make lapsed donors reports for pastoral care.
Why should you use lists to send email? An important reason and a cool report.
How to use reports to automate birthdays and other pastoral care opportunities.
How can I use data to establish groups or recruit volunteers? Here's help.
Five foundational ideas to grasp the mechanics of creating reports
7 reasons churches love our software. New: Roundtable on Reports.
Three page titles and a new webinar that make scheduling volunteers better.
Our New Look and Three Insights into the Importance Of Color
New! How to use color coding to spot discipleship signs at a glance.
What is the best system for using QR codes for touchless check-in?
How to use data to track discipleship signs of leadership
How to use data to track discipleship signs of serving
How to use data to track discipleship signs of love
A special invitation to a Virtual Conference on Healthy Systems (July 27 - 29, 2021)
How to use data to track discipleship signs of heart-health (giving).
How to use data to track discipleship signs of Commitment.
How tracking the signs of discipleship is like the blowing wind.
What will your church look like post-Covid? Get ready at Church Systems Boot Camp
Three Amazing ways to upgrade your use of QR Codes with Text-to-Church
New: SERVICE VOLUNTEERS. Top Tier Upgrade.
New! Ten upgrades in two months.
Are you catching hatchlings or wild fish?
Marketing technology and the stages of evangelism.
Scheduled reports and incarnation. The way to build or rebuild trust.
New! Automate promotion and birthdays.
Don't try this in Excel. Keep our data team happy.
New! Charting ministries. Reports_Save_Me_Time
Group consistency, a report upgrade, & automation.
Reasons people stop giving and how to effectively care for them.
New! Roundtable releases.
Roundtable update & clean data learnings
Workflow ideas for Easter
New! Option for online givers to cover fees.
Ready for Easter. Capacity control through reservations.
How to create and automate giving reports.
How to disciple (engage, follow-up) your online only crowd.
New! Upgrades to meet post-Covid expectations.
Data Hygiene
Online giving sticker shock!
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