Church Membership Form is a Top 12 way churches use Registrations & Forms

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/15/24 2:30 PM
Boyd Pelley
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The Connection Card is the way to capture information from guests and regular attenders who are interested in learning more about your church.  The Membership Class is the most important call to action in your communication to these people because it directs everyone to a single place to share their faith, identify their people, and begin to live out their purpose.

Here's one way that I've illustrated the importance of the New Members class.  It is the endpoint for the outreach and assimilation process, but it also marks the beginning of the equipping and engagement process.


The purpose of the Membership Form is to start the equipping and engagement process by identifying where new members are in their relationship with Christ and the church.  It helps make sure they are on board with the direction and expectations of the church.  It gives them a chance to share their story and interests. 

Here's an example of a New Members Form using an embedded Churchteams registration.  You can also use a QR code and/or a Text-to-Register Keyword.


Be sure to customize the form to fit your church, but feel free to borrow any part of this one that might be helpful.  

The image above illustrates how someone not in a small group might be directed to a Group Link event or staff follow up group.  It also shows how someone interested in working with kids or being an usher might be put into a follow up group for those ministries.

It should be your staff and volunteer leaders' highest priority to follow-up with each response.   Use groups to gather interested people in one place.   Use our follow-up notes feature to track conversations that show progress.  Once people are contacted and trained move them out of this "recruiting group" into their new small group or serving team.   

To take it one step further,  automate the enrollment process by using our auto-register feature to put people into "recruiting groups" based on their responses to questions in the membership form.  This is one of many advantages of using a digital Church Membership Form in Churchteams.  

Tags: Registration

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