Just this week I received texts from my dentist, doctor, city utilities, a political survey, Verizon, Chase Bank, Honda, and Eddie Bauer. I can even text my dentist back if I have a question or need to change my appointment and they respond personally! I bet you've had the same experience.
It's time to take the church to that same level of personal service. Back in November we upgraded our Text-to-Church system to the newest telecom standards so that we can offer full business-level texting services. We rolled it out officially last night! Text-to-Chat, Ten Digit Mass Texting, Text Scheduling, and Text History. Here is an overview. (BTW, we also still offer FREE texting through email.)
"Chat" is a centralized, interactive, texting portal using your existing Text-to-Church phone (landline, office) number to allow staff with access to see and respond to text messages people send in.
This means that in addition to keywords for giving, registering, check-in, connect cards, app access, and links; people can text in a question or a response to an appeal from stage, a mass text, a workflow generated text, or anywhere else.
As soon as staff login, they will see a new text bubble with the number of chats that they've not clicked to review.
When they click on the bubble, they will see the current chat threads. The blue dots are the chat threads they've not clicked to review.
By clicking a thread, they can see and respond to texts using the Text-to-Church phone number. They will be able to see each other's responses.
To see even more features and answers to questions you may have (including fees), check out this Overview of Text-to-Chat Knowledge Base article.
Ten Digit Mass Texting

Text Scheduling

Text History