Here is the best way to create trend lines of first and second time guests

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 3/4/25 2:30 PM

Almost all churches track worship attendance to give leadership an idea of the effectiveness of their large, celebration gatherings.   Generally, a single number represents the attendance each week or in some cases for each service, each week.  These are then plotted over a period of time to track engagement and see trends.  We all know this.

Sometimes individual attendance is tracked in worship in order to reach out to people who miss multiple times.  This works fine for really small churches, but larger churches empower their small groups to shoulder the burden of care.

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Tags: Reports

New!  The best way to collect attendance from all your worship services

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/9/24 2:00 PM

A few months ago, I wrote an article on how to use All Check to capture worship attendance.  Having everyone in the family check in to everything at once including worship is really helpful.  That article answers the questions: why take individual attendance, how to do it, and how to motivate people to respond.  Check it out if you're interested.

Another one of our creative churches uses their digital connection card to take individual worship attendance for their multiple services.  On their connection card they have a "Service I'm attending" dropdown question with all their services listed including online.

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Tags: New Release, Reports

How to use reports to target pastoral care and discipleship needs

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 2/15/23 3:00 PM

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."  Matthew 9:36

Data is important not only for tracking the crowds, but also for seeing their needs.  One of the most powerful ways to use ChMS reporting is to identify and flag significant pastoral care and discipleship needs.  

Two of the most common reports for pastoral care are the lapsed givers and missing persons reports.  Here is what these look like and how to build them.

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Tags: Church Management Software, Reports

How to track TRUST to diagnose the health of small groups

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 2/7/23 2:00 PM

A few weeks ago, coinciding with the new year, I started a series of blogs related to the difference between tracking something to achieve a goal and tracking something as part of an ongoing relationship.  So far we've looked at demographic data and guest follow up tracking.  In this article we look at tracking adult small groups.

Most pastors encourage adults to be in small groups as an important step in their spiritual growth or discipleship process.  However, once the data comes in and pastors realize that small group enrollment has a direct effect on giving and worship attendance then there's a temptation to make small group tracking a goal to achieve rather than a spiritual formation relationship to develop.  I know this because I lived it.

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Tags: Groups, Reports

Five reasons demographic data is important for building relationships

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/10/23 2:30 PM

Last week I shared that I'm tracking my food intake as well as my Bible reading in the new year.  After a week, as expected, I'm doing great on the Bible reading because that's a relationship I enjoy.  And, so far, I'm doing fine with food tracking and even lost a couple of pounds. That's leading to a goal I hope to achieve. 

Some of the most common data in church software is demographic information like age (birthdate), household role, gender, marital status, anniversary, school, education, languages spoken, ethnicity,  occupation, military service, skills, availability, spiritual gifts, ministry passion, address / zip code, phone number, and email.    

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Tags: Reports

Is tracking an objective to achieve or a relationship to enjoy?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/3/23 3:00 PM

If you are an old year reviewer and new year resolver, this is the week you start.  I know because I am one.  I already started tracking what I eat ... again.  And Sunday, I started my plan to read the New Testament through this year on weekdays and the Old Testament in three years on weekends.

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Tags: Reports

New!  5 problems with church software reports and how we solve them.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/18/22 2:00 PM

We have been building software for churches for over twenty years and have regularly heard from clients about how cumbersome reports are across the industry. 

Some systems are so complex that creating a new report takes a degree in computer science. Others provide so many options that you're not sure which report is for what purpose.  Still others allow everyone to create reports and over time you're not sure who created what and which ones are still useful.

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Tags: New Release, Reports

3 reasons our least used feature may be the most powerful one.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/11/22 2:00 PM
A friend recently sent me the link to Simon Sinek's famous TED talk, "Start with Why". It has been a few years since I watched it, so I decided to invest 18 minutes for a refresher. I'm glad I did.
"Why" is the best way to make a case for the most under-utilized feature in the Churchteams tool box: Scheduled Reports. Here are three reasons why Scheduled Reports are so important and powerful.
First, people are lonely. Friends are not a nice extra to complement a me-first lifestyle.  God made us for friendship.  Only one thing was not good in creation prior to the first sin. That was for man to be alone. We're built for friendships and that's a good thing.
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Tags: Reports

Why and how to make lapsed donors reports for pastoral care.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/12/21 2:30 PM

A lapsed donor is someone who used to give consistently to your church but has stopped.  Since giving data is generally the most accurate data in your database, it's relatively easy to measure.

But before I dig into the details of "how", we probably need to answer the question, "why track lapsed donors?".  At it's heart, this is a pastoral care issue.

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Tags: Giving, Reports

Why should you use lists to send email?  An important reason and a cool report.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/5/21 2:00 PM

You guys, email is not dead!  Sure, texting is emerging (we have you covered there) and social messaging and apps are vying for attention, but check out this stat in the Hubspot article, The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021.

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Tags: Best Practices, Reports, Communication

How to use reports to automate birthdays and other pastoral care opportunities.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/28/21 1:30 PM

Your birthday is a pretty big deal on Facebook.  If you use it a lot (or a little), you get to hear from dozens or hundreds of friends and family.  Even if you know that all they did was click a link or take 30 seconds to jot a note, it still makes you feel special.

Kids love getting mail, especially on their birthday.  Many children's ministries I know do a great job of making kids feel special by sending them a simple card on their day.

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Tags: Reports

How can I use data to establish groups or recruit volunteers?  Here's help.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/21/21 11:00 AM

Last week in our Roundtable on Reports, we talked about different ways to use group reports.  If you're interested in more, here's the podcast.  It's Episode 13.

Typically, you probably think of group reports as enrollment rosters or group attendance.  Of course, those are important because they help you see how well the ministry is doing.  But, data can also be a life-saver for dealing with two challenges that every church faces during this season of the ministry year.  Let's personalize those and see how group reports can come to the rescue.

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Tags: Volunteers, Reports

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