Number four in the list provides a great way to see how staff or volunteers are doing on their follow up assignments. Use the Save and Schedule features to automate the report so that notes on follow up tasks and conversations just show up in your inbox whenever you want them.
Here is the full list to preview. Just click to read more or read through them all!
- Prompt for staff to Get the App.
- Weekly Saved Report filter for Sunday through Saturday.
- Can no longer delete people with contributions this or last year.
- Accountability for follow-up tasks: sort by completed notes.
- Basic Settings for Groups cleaned up.
Church staff are beginning to see the ease of use and value of the Member App as staff. If they are using Churchteams on their mobile phone and they have not logged into the Member App before, they will see a new "Get the App" button.
Clicking this button takes them to the App page with the Install button. Once they install the App, the "Get the App" button will disappear. This is another great way for staff to intuitively install and begin using the App.

One of the most powerful features in saved reports is the ability to set a dynamic date range. Historically, our assumption has been that a week for tracking giving and attendance went from Monday to Sunday. That way churches with Saturday services would have the analytics they need for a weekend as a single unit. However, to help churches who track a calendar week as Sunday through Saturday, we recently added the Sunday through Saturday option.

To make sure that churches have correct giving information for statements we changed the report option to delete people (Reports > New > Members > Delete people from the database) so that those who have given in the current or previous calendar year can no longer be deleted. Here is the new wording for this report:

If the filters you choose include people who've given this or last year, the entire deletion process will be prevented and a list of those people who've given will be provided. If you wish to proceed with the deletion use report filters to exclude these people.

If you've done a webinar recently with me, you know that I am a big fan of church staff using notes to track and share with each other guest, pastoral care, and recruiting conversations and follow up tasks. To help with tracking this we added a filter to Reports > New > Members > Member Listing (with notes) that filters by Completed and Not Completed follow up tasks.

If I was a pastor asking staff to follow up on Note Types like Guest, Pastoral Care, and Recruiting; I would Create, Save, and then Schedule this report to be delivered to me the morning of each staff meeting. It would be an incredible tool for staff accountability.
We started out as small groups software in 2000. One of the earliest pages in the application is found under Groups & Events > Settings > Basic. With upgrades through the years a lot of the options on that page fit more logically on newer pages. This created some redundancy that we cleaned up in recent months. This page now is used only for customizing titles for different levels of leadership and directing group attendance reports.

I hope you and your staff find these updates helpful. If you have any quesions, just let us know. If you're looking for software, join me for the next Meet The Software! I'd love to meet you and show you around.