The advent season is upon us which, for church finances, means end of year giving is here, and sending statements season is a month away. These are important parts of a church stewardship development plan.
Asking people to make a pledge or giving commitment is another, common practice for many churches going in to a new calendar or fiscal year. There are several benefits to this practice:
- Encourages people to develop a plan for exercising the gift of generosity.
- Encourages couples to pray, communicate, and commit together.
- Gives the financial admin or team a baseline for managing church finances.
- Gives lenders confidence that a church is united and committed to a financial agreement.
We could look at the Biblical benefits of stewardship and giving and relate them to making a pledge, but this list is intended to be brief. Our purpose is to show you how Churchteams can be used to register and track pledge campaigns. This is one of the top 10 ways churches use registration and forms.
From a donor's perspective, they hear about the campaign from a sermon, announcements, website, email, text, personal contact, snail mail, or social media. Each one of these communication tools points them to the same registration form.
Once they complete the form, provide this confirmation popup.
Which redirects them to your giving page where the fund is already designated.
The beauty of this system is that it automates the registration process. It encourages people to set up their recurring contributions. All the data is directly entered into the system. Statements will communicate to people their progress. People can login to Online Giving directly or through the Member App to view and update their giving.
Now that all your data is one place, you can use our Reports feature to track the progress of the entire campaign. This report shows you all the donors and then aggregates the data into a useful summary.
Our approach to pledge and giving commitment collection and tracking grew out of many years of experience and conversations with friends and clients. I don't think you will find a more robust and easier software solution.
If you're not a client, sign up for a 30 day free trial and join me for a live Meet The Software Zoom webinar to learn more.
If you are a client, you're probably thinking, "How do I set it up?" Click the button to see the step by step process. And, as always, feel free to reach out to our support team with any quesions.