For many churches the most disruptive way that life happened over the past two years has been the stress level of staff.
Our senior pastor resigned after 25 years, we are now searching for a new senior pastor. Our children's minister also resigned. Both in 2021.
Last November, Barna reported from their research that 38% of pastors have thought about quitting in the past 12 months. The stress is not only real, but palpable.
Those navigating these times well are doing what they have always done. They focus on their calling and purpose. They are looking to God like the Psalmist did ...
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Psalms 46:1,2
This God-centered self-denial settles a leader's soul. It gives him or her the creativity to build new habits and systems to meet the times.
No environment is more stressful than battle. In preparing teams for battle, the Navy Seals have a saying, "slow is smooth and smooth is fast." They take the time to build the motor and relational skills necessary to accomplish a task so that it is reflexive (smooth). When the stress of battle comes, they are able to execute instinctively at lightning speed optimizing the likelihood of victory.
As we've seen in this series, our software and support team are equipped and ready to assist staff in building these systems for your church. It will take some time to smooth out the rough edges. But when the system is working like you want, the stress church staff feel will be displaced by the renewed joy of living out their calling.