Stewardship 301 - 3 powerful features that help people feel good about giving to your church

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/9/24 1:45 PM

This is the third in a series of three blog posts on using church management software for stewardship development.  In the 101 blog post we looked at filters that help you recognize first, second, and lapsed givers.  In the 201 blog post we looked at how to automate feedback and follow-up using scheduled reports.  

In this blog post we want to share with you the mechanics not only of giving, but also of helping people feel good about their giving.   2 Corinthians 9:7 says, "the Lord loves a cheerful giver."  So, it is important for church leaders to do everything they can to help people feel good about their giving.

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Tags: Giving

Stewardship 201 - Improve your church stewardship development system with these 3 scheduled reports

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/2/24 2:30 PM

In mylast blog post I mentioned that most churches don't have a stewardship development system in place.  Some will have a philosophical reason for this.  For others it's a matter of priorities and resources. 

I have no idea how many articles, books, conferences, and capital development programs I've been around through three (okay, four) decades of ministry.  I do know that they have been extremely helpful to churches I've been a part of and so many churches that we have served through the years. 

Our role as a church management software is to help churches set up and automate the best practices for which they have received training.  Last week I showed you the three filters in our reports to help with first, second, and lapsed contributors.

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Tags: Giving

Stewardship 101 - 3 filters that help pastors recognize givers in their church

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 6/18/24 2:00 PM
Have you ever wondered why you do what you do?  If this verse is accurate (it is), then your actions are an overflow of what's in your heart. 
Jesus taught this idea from many angles.  One of them is that out of the overflow of your heart your mouth speaks (Matthew 6:45).
Another well known illustration is in Matthew 6:21, where he says,  " For where your treasure is, there your heart is also."
In this passage and many others, scripture is clear that giving is an indicator of what is important to a person.  If someone gives poorly to a church, their commitment to and motivation (heart) to participate is usually pretty limited.  If someone gives generously, their commitment and motivation (heart) is generally significant.
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Tags: Giving

How does your online giving compare and other survey insights?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/28/23 11:30 AM

I recently emailed a stewardship survey to our clients to get a pulse on online giving and stewardship in their churches.  The first part of the survey was to collect some basic numbers.   

In addition, we ran some numbers based on data across all our online giving organizations.   You might find it interesting to see how your church compares to these findings.  You'll see how to do that below.

The second part of the survey asked about the use of features and for stewardship stories.  One feature lags behind the others.  One idea and one story provide insights into helping people better use the online tools you provide.

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Tags: Giving

Survey Results: The most used online giving features and their benefits

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/29/22 2:30 PM

This is the third in a series on year-end and online giving.  In this post we are going to rank the most used online giving features and consider their benefits to donors.    

All of these insights come from the survey we did a few weeks ago.  So, they originate from church leaders using online giving every week.  If you would like to learn more, join us tomorrow afternoon at 2 Eastern / 1 Central for our year-end onling giving zoom briefing.

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Tags: Giving

Online giving survey results:  3 levels of commitment, and 3 organizational benefits

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/22/22 2:00 PM

This is the 2nd of 3 blog posts related to end of the year campaigns and online giving.  Last week we looked at ideas for end of year online giving campaigns.  In this post, we're going to look at online giving from the perspective of organizational promotion and benefits.  

I really appreciate those of you who took the time to give us your thoughts.  I think your  responses are representative of a broad spectrum of churches and that they are very insightful. 

Consider this summary chart of how our survey respondents promote online giving.

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Tags: Giving

Survey Results:  4 ideas for year-end giving campaigns

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/15/22 3:15 PM

Thanks to everyone who took last week's survey.  In these next three posts we're going to look at a few statistics from these churches and their insights related to:  1) end of year campaigns, 2) organizational practices, and 3) individual benefits.  I picked up several good ideas and think you will to.

Let's start with these statistics from the survey that show the changes we all know happened in online giving since Covid.  73% of our respondents now receive more than 60% of their giving online compared to 27% in 2019.  That's a 270% increase!  

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Tags: Giving

$10 Starbucks gift card for your best ideas on year-end online giving

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/8/22 2:30 PM

For decades nonprofits and churches have used the holiday season as a special time to raise funds for ministry.  In fact a large percentage of income for many ministries will come in the next couple of months.  The significance of this season has only increased in the last decade with the poplularity and promotion of Giving Tuesday.

Our team could put together a list of ideas to help your church get the most out of online giving this season.  However, a lot has changed in recent years and we would like to hear your stats, stories, best practices, and/or creative ideas.   

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Tags: Giving

New!  Four pledge campaign upgrades you'll love including self-registration.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/30/21 10:00 AM

You've cast the vision for a new year, a new building, or a new missions opportunity.  You've asked people to pray to determine the part God would have them play in investing in this vision over the next months or years.  Now, it's time to let them respond.

The cardstock pledge cards have been handed out.  With them you gave out some really cool, branded pens as swag. The cards are collected and expectantly prayed over.  

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Tags: Giving, New Release

The 3 best reports your team gets from our online giving platform.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/19/21 1:30 PM

As a church leader, you know the impact that online giving has had on the financial stability of your church through the Covid Pandemic.  It has been a life-saver.

You've also seen the improvements we and most online giving providers have made in the past few years in terms of user experience and things like giving donors the option to cover fees.  These have made it easier for them to give and help with costs.

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Tags: Giving

Why and how to make lapsed donors reports for pastoral care.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/12/21 2:30 PM

A lapsed donor is someone who used to give consistently to your church but has stopped.  Since giving data is generally the most accurate data in your database, it's relatively easy to measure.

But before I dig into the details of "how", we probably need to answer the question, "why track lapsed donors?".  At it's heart, this is a pastoral care issue.

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Tags: Giving, Reports

Reasons people stop giving and how to effectively care for them.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/6/21 2:45 PM

Matthew 6:21 says, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  So, one sign of how much an individual or family treasures your church is their giving.  

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Tags: Giving, Automation, Reports

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