Did you guess the big news?  We've got a new look.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/17/24 2:00 PM
Boyd Pelley
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UI Dashboard - Laptop Screen-1In the blog post a couple of weeks ago, I told you something big is coming next month.  It was really great to get the emails and calls with questions.  We love that interaction with you guys!

And today, we're ready to tell all of you what's coming to Churchteams on October 1st.  OUR NEW LOOK!! That's right, we are making updates to the user interface!

Coming October 1:  A New User Interface

Some of you will be super excited and want to make the switch to the new look immediately.  Others will be more cautious and not sure about trying to figure out what has changed.  Don't worry.  We love both of you and have prepared accordingly.  Here are three common questions and our responses.

Why a new look? 

User interface changes are driven by a combination of technological advancements, user preferences, and cultural changes. 

In recent years we have added and upgraded many areas of the software.  So this was a perfect time to update the look and feel to accomodate those technology changes.

Our development bias is to build incredibly efficient and effective software.  Improving aesthetics makes it even more attractive and easier for users.

Software is deeply integrated into the fabric of our culture.  Younger church leaders grew up with technology and expect to use it in their ministry.  They will love the new look.

Who will it impact?

On October 1 our current clients will see an option on the dashboard when they login to switch to the new look.  We're calling it a Beta version to give everyone time to review it and make the change.  You'll even have an option to switch back to the classic view if you want. 

We don't have a sunset date for the classic version, so don't worry about having to make a change quickly.  Check it out when you're ready and have time.

If you're not a client, you will want to take a look.  I'd like to invite you to join me for any of my weekly Meet The Software Zoom webinars.  It's just an hour long and will show you how nicely our aesthetic form and functionality work together.

What will it look like?

A picture is worth a thousand words.  Check out this 30 second video.

Churchteams User Interface 2024 Preview

In this rollout the dashboard and a number of the core pages relating to Groups, People, and Reports are updated.  Other pages within the software will get a similar face-lift in the weeks and months to come.  Next week we'll give you more details.

If you want a live look and opportunity to interact with our team, join us for the New Look! Briefings on October 1 or 2.

Tags: New Release

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