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Hi, I’m Nelson Searcy, Lead Pastor of The Journey Church and founder of Church Leader Insights. As a coach to more than 3,500 pastors and church leaders, I’m often asked:
What are the top books you’d recommend for me to grow as a leader?
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I loved putting together this list because leaders are readers — and pastor to pastor, I’m going to do everything I can to save you time and focus your attention where it needs to be for maximum growth and development.
Save yourself time, effort and money with this FREE list!
Make a commitment to growing as a leader by growing as a leader. This list that I have compiled of my top 50 recommended leadership books is a great place to begin!
Note this list is the best “Of All Time” — and includes both classic works that still apply today and modern manuals; you’ll soon discover practical, effective ideas that you can start using to lead your own staff and your church.
Go ahead and click here to access your free download now of the top leadership books that every pastor should be reading!
P.S. BONUS CONTENT: You’ll also find great tips for how to be a better reader and get the most out of what you read.
This e-book is only available for a limited time — be sure to click here to access your exclusive copy now for pastors!