The Perpetually Growing Church - Interview w/ Rick Howerton

Posted by Rick Howerton on 7/30/24 1:00 PM
Rick Howerton

TPGGIn this blog post, I'm excited to share with you an interview with my long time friend, Rick Howerton about his new book.  We got to know each other well years ago traveling to small group training programs across the country as part of a fledgling collective of friends that has become the Small Group Network.

His book, The Perpetually Growing Church, is a practitioners guide to building a healthy, growing church.  He knows a thing or two about this. 

He has been a campus minister, a staff pastor and a discipleship consultant (Navpress, Lifeway, KY Baptist Convention).  He planted The Bridge Church in Nashville, TN.  He has been a frequent speaker and trainer at churches, conferences, and training programs before and since our small group conference days. He has written multiple books and now serves as the Central Group Pastor for Lakepointe Church in Rockwell, TX.

Here's what I asked him and his response.  (I had to start with a little Churchteams plug.)  

 You've known and watched Churchteams almost since the start.  What do you tell people when you share about us?

First, I know Boyd Pelley very well. He is a disciple-maker at heart.  Second, Churchteams accomplishes what its competitors do at a much lower price. Third, their customer service is outrageous! When a question needs answering someone gets back to you as soon as possible and will work with you until the problem is solved.

During that same time and longer you've been a church practitioner and consultant.  How have you seen the church change over the last 40 years?

 The church has gone from being seeker-focused to being on a journey to find ways to reach people in a post-Christian era.  I do know that the churches that are growing are:

Unapologetically proclaiming the truth on all topics with grace as the final word.

Utilizing musical styles that connect with the next generation that is celebratory and brings the heart to life.

Moving from being program-driven to being relationship-driven.  Connecting people through small groups and “away from the church grounds” gatherings.

 Why did you write this book? 

I believe wholeheartedly that, “When a local church is a unified, biblically functioning church, tuned into the power of the Holy Spirit, culturally relevant, exercising church growth principles and practices, and led by spiritually mature, gifted, God-honoring leaders and pastors, it has the potential of being a perpetually growing church.” 

I believe every church has this potential and if every church is what you see described above, we will see our culture and our world turned upside down.

Who did you write it to?

Church leaders at all levels; Lead Pastors, Staff Members, Elders, Deacons (in movements where deacons function as elders), Seminarians, Church Consultants, and anyone else who wants to know the most effective church growth practices.

What do you hope happens as a result of them reading it?

I pray they will be enlightened, challenged, encouraged, and stretched. Most of all, I hope they will practice the methods that are unearthed. The book is not for the idealist who longs to sit around and debate how a church should function.

From the beginning chapter to the final chapter, it is a how-to book. If the reader longs to know what to do, there are 25 chapters of lists, step-by-step procedures, etc. It even includes every word of The Village Church’s church-wide survey, a model a pastor can use for creating their own.

How can people get a copy?

Just click here to pick it up on Amazon.

Tags: Best Practices

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