Our New! Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports. (Top release of 2020)
Tags: New Release, Reports
Like sparks from kindling wood promising warmth and light against the darkness, Advent starts with prophetic voices announcing hope for a coming messiah in the midst of a dark time.
Tags: New Release
Tags: New Release
Tags: Check-in, New Release
If you're reading this, you've been there. In the middle of putting together a stellar email. The layout was mostly done. The content was clean and crisp. Then you get a phone call. Without thinking you look up information in the database or look at a Churchteams registration on your website. As soon as your done you try to go back to the email and it's gone.
Tags: New Release, Communication
One of our advantages in the church management market is our agile culture. There is just one degree of separation between clients and our development team. As soon as a need or even a suggestion is vetted by a support team member, it is shared with development.
Development keeps a running evaluation of these suggestions. Some are as simple as a software edit and are immediately addressed. They don't even make it to the list. Others need affirmation, thought and evaluation. As they come up again and are mulled over, they make their way to the investment of a few hours or days. Others are much more involved and may take months or years to rise to the level of investment of weeks or even months of coding. This set of releases fit into the first two categories.
Tags: New Release
We have an incredible team. For a number of months now, in addition to all the Covid 19 upgrades we've done, we've been working on upgrading our Navigation Bar buttons to make them more user-friendly.
If you are a long-time Churchteams user, you know what the software does, so you will be able to very quickly re-route from older paths to these new ones that we hope are more direct and more intuitive especially for new users.
Tags: New Release, Registration, Communication
- Check Scanning & Image Archive.
- Automated Check-in Printer Start Schedule.
- Office number for Text-to-Church.
- Email lists upgrade. Last week's blog.
Tags: New Release
Tags: New Release, Groups
We recently released an upgrade to our contributions system that includes the ability to archive the image of a check that is scanned into Churchteams. We now offer this service to our clients for an additional $15 / month for up to 7 years of check storage. The video below shows you how this service works. But, let's start with some context.
Tags: Giving, New Release
It has been a busy last few months listening to clients, working on upgrades, making Churchteams continually better.
Tags: New Release