Our New! Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports. (Top release of 2020)

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/16/20 8:00 AM
For centuries Israel lived in darkness.  Oppressed by foreign armies.  God seemed to be silent. Hope was in a long ago message that a messiah would come. The Christ-child brought light to the world that we celebrate today, thousands of years later. Merry Christmas, friends. Christ has come.
Like you, we do what we do, because of Jesus. He came for us and we live for Him. Churchteams is His.  So, to cap off 2020, we are excited to give you, His church, a gift.  The best we have.  Our top release of the year.  A new Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports.
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Tags: New Release, Reports

New!  Helpful stuff.  But, wait till you see what's coming!

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/8/20 11:00 AM

Like sparks from kindling wood promising warmth and light against the darkness, Advent starts with prophetic voices announcing hope for a coming messiah in the midst of a dark time. 

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Tags: New Release

How to recruit volunteers for Christmas Eve services.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/1/20 10:15 AM

I remember from my church staff days that it was all hands on deck for Christmas Eve  services.  I see the staff at my church today all working together to cover volunteer spots for these services just like we did.  Because it is such a special time for families, I doubt  this stretch for volunteers on Christmas Eve will ever change.  But, we can help.

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Tags: Volunteers, Registration

Use this year's innovations to make your Christmas services safe.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/24/20 10:15 AM

As the Andy Williams song (Youtube) tells us, this really is the most wonderful time of the year.  But, like everything else in 2020, the pandemic is making us re-think how we do Christmas services and events. 

(verse 3) There will be services for reserving and childcare for serving.  Families wary to go.  Because of scary Covid stories and tales of the gories of viruses long, long ago. 

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Tags: Best Practices

How to create a workflow for Advent text messages.  Special offer for non-clients.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/17/20 11:30 AM

Peace on earth and goodwill toward men.  This chorus about the coming Messiah is especially good news for us in 2020.  Our family so longed for this gospel message that we decided to put up our Christmas tree on Halloween day!  

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Tags: Automation, Communication

Text-to-Link: Your shortcut to anywhere

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/10/20 11:15 AM

What is your favorite resource on the Internet?  YouVersion Bible?  A YouTube Channel? Right Now Media? The Bible Project? Sermon Archives? A Blog Post?  Imagine people sending a text to your church office number with a keyword of your choosing that would take them directly to that website? The LINK functionality of Text-to-Church does exactly that.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

How to track your Covid comeback. 

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/4/20 10:28 AM

Some good news - It's finally November, 2020. 

We're on the last lap of this most unique year. Many churches have started and are starting to meet for large group worship on Sunday again.  Many will still wait a couple more months or longer. Some have restarted and had to go back to just live stream due to a Covid outbreak in their community.  But, whenever the time is right for your church, you're going to want a way to track the comeback. 

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Tags: Reports

Our new world of Check-in. Matrix of options.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/28/20 10:45 AM

None of us will forget 2020, that's for sure.  As churches are starting to meet back, it's good to see check-in start to pick up again.  Here are a few blog posts since Covid started on ways we've adapted check-in to this new world.

Room Check-in, Count and Close
Medical Affirmation Before Check-in?
Text-to-Check-in for Virtual Attenders

As both veteran and new clients are thinking about their new approach to check-in, we often get asked if we can accommodate their different ideas.  Because our system is so robust we are almost always able to accommodate. 

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Tags: Check-in, Text-To-Church

New! Tags, notes & more.  People Are Your Priority.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/20/20 11:30 AM
Like you, we love people.  If you haven't seen it, watch our short video, People Are Your Priority
For you that means focusing less on tasks and more on people.  For us that means helping you focus less on tasks. We do that by listening.
We listen to your questions, your suggestions, and your heart.  These four upgrades in the past couple of months are examples of how we respond to what you say.  The people who suggested each of these already know about the upgrade.  This is for everyone else.
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Tags: New Release

5 Reasons Your Administrative and Ministry Staff Need A Digital Connection Card

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/13/20 9:45 AM

Let's face it, working through Connection Cards consumes a lot of staff time.  Administrative staff spend time entering data, sending communication and making follow-up assignments.  Ministry staff spend time trying to connect with people, personally leaving too many voicemails that never get further follow-up.

A Digital Connection Card used in conjunction with our Workflow and Assimilation Tracking is the system you are looking for to free up time from tedious work and optimize personal relationships.

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Tags: Automation, Communication

5 Reasons Communication Directors Need A Digital Connection Card

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/6/20 11:15 AM

If you pour out your time and heart to pick the right font, images, navigation and content for your website.  If it drives you crazy to see unbranded or rogue email templates being used by staff.  If you wish there were a way to connect your social media and streaming messages to your communication process.  You must be responsible for your church's communication.

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Tags: Automation, Communication

4 Reasons Pastors Need A Digital Connection Card

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/29/20 10:15 AM

In 2 Corinthians 11:28, Paul writes, "Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches."

Pastors these days know exactly what Paul is referring to.  They've felt the uncertainty of cancelling worship services for the first time in their church's history. They hear the conflicting counsel about re-opening. They feel the angst of political polarization.  They care for out-of-work friends and family. They sincerely pray for the critically ill.    

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Tags: Automation, Communication

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