Seven steps to deal with the stress of volunteer management.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/19/22 3:00 PM

It's the middle of July.  If you are church staff and have already been on your summer vacation, then my guess is you're beginning to stress about recruiting volunteers for the fall ministry season.  Am I right?

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Tags: Volunteers

Two truths we hold to be self-evident.  2) All people are equal.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/12/22 3:00 PM

Last week I shared how church is critical to understanding the self-evident truth that all people are created.  This week I want to look at how a teams world-view is developed and how it gives people the best chance to realize the second self-evident truth - that all people are equal. 

Together I hope this two-week, Fourth of July inspired series of blogs gives a little perspective on what we are seeking to do as a company.

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Tags: Church Management Software, Best Practices

Two truths we hold to be self-evident.  1) All people are created.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/5/22 2:15 PM

The second paragraph of the U.S. Declaration of Independence begins, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

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Tags: Church Management Software, Best Practices

Why should churches pay for texting? Built in budgeting features.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 6/28/22 2:00 PM

In this short series on texting for churches, we've looked at the history of business texting (A2P) and compared free texting to Text-to-Church (10DLC).  In this third post, let's look at the budgeting features built in to T2C to help staff manage their communication budgets.

To start with, texts associated with the following features do NOT count toward your 500 allotted monthly texts or 2 cent overages.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

Why should churches pay for texting?  Compare free texting to Text-to-Church.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 6/21/22 2:30 PM

In the last post we surveyed the history of business (A2P) texting. We learned that initially A2P texting was available either for thousands of dollars per month using short codes or free using email.  That left a wide gap for the innovation that rolled out in 2021 called 10 digit long code (10DLC) texting. 

Churchteams provides both free (through email) and paid (through 10DLC) texting that we branded Text-to-Church (T2C).  But, when should you use free texting and when should you use T2C?  Here are some things to consider. 

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Tags: Text-To-Church

Why should churches pay for texting?  A short history of business texting.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 6/14/22 2:00 PM

 As common as it is now, it wasn't until 2014 that texting surpassed calling as the go to method for Person to Person (P2P) tele-communication in the United States. 

But there is another type of texting called Application to Person (A2P) texting. This is commonly thought of as Business Texting.  There are companies that provide this service as a stand alone for businesses or churches.   As technology continues to aggregate, many relational databases like Churchteams have implemented the same A2P functionality in their product.  This is a big win for the end user.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

New releases!  Seven guardrails to help you keep your data safe.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 6/7/22 2:45 PM

Over time data has a tendency to drift off the road and even crash.  The application itself might be fine, but the data is a wreck. When this happens, those depending on it no longer trust it, and start looking for something new.  

One popular solution is to put a sentry at the gate of the database.  This person is responsible for all data entry, reports, and maintenance.  This solution helps keep data safe, but it also creates a bottleneck on use of the data.  Like an accident on a 4 lane highway narrowing traffic down to one lane, church staff end up looking for detours to get their work done.  Pretty soon the staff has data in so many locations they find themselves once again lacking trust in the core data.

We've felt for a long time that the database itself could become a decentralized sentry.  We built reminder emails (groups, volunteers, payments) to make sure data is consistently collected.  We built scheduled reports to automate communication of information.  

We've also started building guardrails designed to keep data from getting wrecked.  In fact, we've released seven of these in the past couple of months.  Here they are along with a few other new releases.

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Tags: Church Management Software, New Release

The importance of online advertising for churches.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/31/22 3:25 PM

The other day I did a podcast on using ChMS for discipleship with my friends at Missional Marketing.  I have loved learning from them and thought you might as well.  So, I asked them to write a guest blog post for me. 

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Tags: Best Practices, Communication

When someone dies, make these six changes to your church database. This new release helps.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/24/22 1:30 AM

This morning we released an upgrade to automate important database changes that need to happen when someone is marked as deceased.  Usually this comes up because a surviving family member has received a letter, an email, a giving statement or some other communication that includes their deceased loved one's name or other information. 

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Tags: New Release, Best Practices

How texting can add new levels of warmth to church hospitality.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/17/22 2:43 PM

While shopping online I recently found a table that I thought might look nice in our breakfast nook.  It was well after office hours, but there was a number to text.  I sent the text and got an automated message saying they would get back with me the following morning.  They did, and apologized about not responding more quickly.  It was 51 minutes after they opened!  I was impressed.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

Short links, website integration, and how does Churchteams texting compare to these guys?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/10/22 2:45 PM

Last week I introduced the process one of our raving fan churches is going through as their team seriously evaluates our texting capabilities.  I shared three of their key questions and my responses to each one. 

Here are their final three questions and my responses.  They may be your questions too.  

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Tags: Text-To-Church

3 customer questions as they consider and compare our texting capabilities.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/3/22 2:30 PM

I reached out to one of our top customers who had been on our beta version of Mass Texting (free) through Text-to-Church.  They know the potential of the service from the beta, and are currently doing a cost / benefit analysis of the service now that it is fully operational.

They sent me six insightful questions that everyone looking at the potential for texting in their church should ask.  Here are the first three.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

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