Five foundational ideas to grasp the mechanics of creating reports

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/14/21 2:00 PM

If you've ever created reports in software, you know that it can be challenging.  So, last week we started our fall Rountable on the topic of reports.  Check out episode 12 in the Roundtable Podcast to view the entire briefing.

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Tags: Reports

Scheduled reports and incarnation. The way to build or rebuild trust.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/11/21 10:45 AM

A few weeks ago, in a blog post entitled Groups consistency, I talked about using attendance as a sign that points to faithfulness.  And faithfulness is a pre-requisite character quality for choosing leaders who multiply the ministry.  (2 Timothy 2:2)

In the same way, attendance is a sign for pastors and church staff that something may be going on in a person's life they are called to shepherd.

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Tags: Groups, Reports

New!  Automate promotion and birthdays.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/4/21 11:00 AM
There are a ton of administrative details related to your ministry.  These feel like tedious, repetitive tasks that have to be done each day, week and month.  On top of the important tasks, urgent ones keep screaming for your attention.  It can make you feel overwhelmed and stressed.
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Tags: Check-in, New Release, Automation, Reports

New! Charting ministries. Reports_Save_Me_Time

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/20/21 11:00 AM
Last week we looked at our upgrade to the Group Summary report and talked about why consistency is helpful for identifying groups that need extra attention.  This has huge value for the pastor in charge of that ministry.
Similarly, a summary of various ministries gives the Sr. Pastor, Executive, or Leadership team the ability to identify the make up and relative health of the various ministries that they oversee.  They want to see the consistency of children's ministry compared to student ministry, or the consistency of adult small groups compared to worship.  It helps them have a feel for where the wind is blowing and which ministries need attention.
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Tags: New Release, Reports

Group consistency, a report upgrade, & automation.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/13/21 3:00 PM

In discipleship discussions, we often quote 2 Timothy 2:2 as a pillar text for understanding discipleship that multiplies disciples.  The idea, of course, is that Paul invested in training Timothy and was encouraging him to invest in other people who would invest in others.  

Notice the adjective that Paul uses to describe the people in whom Timothy was to invest his time.  Depending on your translation, the word is generally reliable (NIV, NLT), or faithful (ESV, NASB, KJV).  It is someone in whom you trust.

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Tags: New Release, Groups, Reports

Reasons people stop giving and how to effectively care for them.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/6/21 2:45 PM

Matthew 6:21 says, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  So, one sign of how much an individual or family treasures your church is their giving.  

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Tags: Giving, Automation, Reports

How to create and automate giving reports.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 2/22/21 5:22 PM

Because it was the week before Christmas and because of the craziness of Covid, you might have missed the biggest release of 2020.  I introduced it as our Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports.  That was just over two months ago.  There wasn't a lot of fanfare, we just offered it quietly as a gift. 

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Tags: Giving, Reports

Our New! Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports. (Top release of 2020)

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/16/20 8:00 AM
For centuries Israel lived in darkness.  Oppressed by foreign armies.  God seemed to be silent. Hope was in a long ago message that a messiah would come. The Christ-child brought light to the world that we celebrate today, thousands of years later. Merry Christmas, friends. Christ has come.
Like you, we do what we do, because of Jesus. He came for us and we live for Him. Churchteams is His.  So, to cap off 2020, we are excited to give you, His church, a gift.  The best we have.  Our top release of the year.  A new Digital Assistant - Scheduled Reports.
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Tags: New Release, Reports

How to track your Covid comeback. 

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/4/20 10:28 AM

Some good news - It's finally November, 2020. 

We're on the last lap of this most unique year. Many churches have started and are starting to meet for large group worship on Sunday again.  Many will still wait a couple more months or longer. Some have restarted and had to go back to just live stream due to a Covid outbreak in their community.  But, whenever the time is right for your church, you're going to want a way to track the comeback. 

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Tags: Reports

How to Create Common Metrics Card Reports

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 2/11/20 10:00 AM

The Dashboard release last fall brings all kinds of efficiencies to accessing what you need as soon as you login.  The most visual of the these is the Metric Card.  In this post, I'm going to take you step by step adding two of the most common reports used by pastors and staff to the Metrics Card. You'll see how to do this so that even pastors and staff that don't need access to giving can have the giving summary on their dashboard as soon as they login.

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Tags: Reports

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