We've offered Event Registration and Volunteer Scheduling for years. But they have been far less obvious than most of our features and we wanted to elevate their visibility. Late last week we released an upgrade to the Group Info Page to make what was less visible more visible and add a new RSVP feature.
Text-TO-Church TM is a new User Interface concept. It combines texting ideas that have been the domain of specialty platforms, with the functionality of a full church management system. For over a decade people have been able to send a text to donate to an online giving platform. In recent years applications were developed to text to register for something like an event or a content drip. With Text-TO-Church, all the functionality of your church database is now just a text away. Here's the list of current features that fit under the Text-TO-Church concept. Click the link for a more complete explanation of each one. The Text-To-Church Innovation post was written to help you actually experience everything except Text-to-ME which wasn't done at that time.
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
I have done several blog posts the past 4 months related to texting. The response has been incredible. We are excited to see this innovation engage guests, regular attenders, members and staff in a new, extremely relevant way. The more we have worked with it, the more we realize the potential of texting as a tool for simple and user-specific interface with your Churchteams database.
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
Support is a huge value for Churchteams. We love our clients and love interacting with you. From these interactions we learn what makes using the software more difficult than it needs to be and gain fresh ideas for improvement. Mark and Donna not only are building the exciting future of Churchteams features, but they also work tirelessly to upload data and make your best ideas a reality. This makes Churchteams a better tool for everyone. Here is a list of touch-upgrades to the software since early June.
Tags: New Release
*Okay, yes, I did make up the phrase "Text-TO-Church".
Receiving a text FROM a church is nothing new. Lots of churches use text to send updates, news and reminders. This feature has been part of Churchteams for a number of years.
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
Tags: New Release
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
So, we're talking about text to register a couple of weeks ago. James throws out the idea of using texting to take worship attendance. This is an age-old question that churches ask us about all the time. We discuss it more, and Mark realizes it's something he can easily add. A day later and it's done.
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
Tags: New Release, Text-To-Church
I often tell people that support and innovation are two of our distinctives as a church management software company. We released our new, innovative online giving and text to give upgrades a couple of months ago. At the same time, as a result of great interaction with our clients, we also released some really handy upgrades. You may have seen these already.
Tags: New Release