Boyd Pelley

Boyd Pelley
Co-founder, Churchteams. From 1990 to 2008 served as discipleship, administrative and family pastor of churches in New Mexico, Nebraska and Texas. Married 30+ years, 2 married adult children.
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Recent Posts

The importance of online advertising for churches.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/31/22 3:25 PM

The other day I did a podcast on using ChMS for discipleship with my friends at Missional Marketing.  I have loved learning from them and thought you might as well.  So, I asked them to write a guest blog post for me. 

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Tags: Best Practices, Communication

When someone dies, make these six changes to your church database. This new release helps.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/24/22 1:30 AM

This morning we released an upgrade to automate important database changes that need to happen when someone is marked as deceased.  Usually this comes up because a surviving family member has received a letter, an email, a giving statement or some other communication that includes their deceased loved one's name or other information. 

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Tags: New Release, Best Practices

How texting can add new levels of warmth to church hospitality.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/17/22 2:43 PM

While shopping online I recently found a table that I thought might look nice in our breakfast nook.  It was well after office hours, but there was a number to text.  I sent the text and got an automated message saying they would get back with me the following morning.  They did, and apologized about not responding more quickly.  It was 51 minutes after they opened!  I was impressed.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

Short links, website integration, and how does Churchteams texting compare to these guys?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/10/22 2:45 PM

Last week I introduced the process one of our raving fan churches is going through as their team seriously evaluates our texting capabilities.  I shared three of their key questions and my responses to each one. 

Here are their final three questions and my responses.  They may be your questions too.  

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Tags: Text-To-Church

3 customer questions as they consider and compare our texting capabilities.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/3/22 2:30 PM

I reached out to one of our top customers who had been on our beta version of Mass Texting (free) through Text-to-Church.  They know the potential of the service from the beta, and are currently doing a cost / benefit analysis of the service now that it is fully operational.

They sent me six insightful questions that everyone looking at the potential for texting in their church should ask.  Here are the first three.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

FREE E-book: Top 50 List of the Best Leadership Books of All Time for Pastors

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/26/22 3:00 PM

Note: Churchteams partners with CLI to help church leaders develop effective systems for ministry.   

Hi, I’m Nelson Searcy, Lead Pastor of The Journey Church and founder of Church Leader Insights. As a coach to more than 3,500 pastors and church leaders, I’m often asked:

What are the top books you’d recommend for me to grow as a leader? 

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Tags: Church Management Software

How to build trust with an Easter follow-up drip campaign.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/19/22 5:01 PM

Happy week after Easter.  You likely spent a lot of time preparing for last Sunday and now it's over.  Hopefully, you had a lot of guests and collected their information. 

I know you're exhausted, but you really need to follow up with these people. You'll be tempted to do something simple like a single "thank you" letter or email to invite them back.  But, you worked so hard!  Why not take follow up to a new level by setting up a drip campaign to continue to serve them?  The difference is bigger than you think and it's easier to do than you think.

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Tags: Automation, Communication

New!  Pre-print name tags & 5 other upgrades.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/12/22 3:00 PM

The development team has been busy responding to requests and upgrading the system.  This first one has been requested a lot and will speed up check-in for events where pre-registration was required and you want to have everything ready as soon as people arrive.  No electronic check-in required.

  1. Pre-print check-in name tags and security labels.
  2. Disable Text-to-Chat.
  3. Two word keywords for Text-to-Church.
  4. New email editor options.
  5. Report filters by next month dates for workflows.
  6. Include "Fees Covered" on financial reports.

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Tags: New Release

Four more creative ways Text-to-Chat helps with church communication.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 4/5/22 2:45 PM

Text-to-Chat is the new environment for exploring creative church communication possibilities.  Last time we we looked at the top three ways roundtable participants thought they would use it.

This week, we'll look at four other ideas we came up with.  These are not as tried and true, but they are a bit more creative and have pretty significant potential.

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Tags: Text-To-Church

The top three ways Text-to-Chat helps church communication.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 3/29/22 2:15 PM

Last week about 30 of us did a customer and staff Zoom Roundtable on the topic of ways to use Text-to-Chat.  Here is the problem in the words of one participant.

"I think there is potential, but we have a lot to learn. Good feature—just need to figure out how to best use it."
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Tags: Text-To-Church

How to displace the stress church staff feel with renewed joy.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 3/22/22 3:02 PM

For many churches the most disruptive way that life happened over the past two years has been the stress level of staff.  

Here is a survey response from one church:

Our senior pastor resigned after 25 years, we are now searching for a new senior pastor.  Our children's minister also resigned.  Both in 2021.

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Tags: Best Practices

3 ways to use church management software to reclaim your outward focus.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 3/15/22 2:07 PM

Some churches thrived the last couple of years in the areas of evangelism and missions by serving their community as testing / vaccination sites or food distribution centers.  These raised their level of visibility.

But, the more common experience has been like this one from our January survey.

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Tags: Best Practices

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