Over time data has a tendency to drift off the road and even crash. The application itself might be fine, but the data is a wreck. When this happens, those depending on it no longer trust it, and start looking for something new.
One popular solution is to put a sentry at the gate of the database. This person is responsible for all data entry, reports, and maintenance. This solution helps keep data safe, but it also creates a bottleneck on use of the data. Like an accident on a 4 lane highway narrowing traffic down to one lane, church staff end up looking for detours to get their work done. Pretty soon the staff has data in so many locations they find themselves once again lacking trust in the core data.
We've felt for a long time that the database itself could become a decentralized sentry. We built reminder emails (groups, volunteers, payments) to make sure data is consistently collected. We built scheduled reports to automate communication of information.
We've also started building guardrails designed to keep data from getting wrecked. In fact, we've released seven of these in the past couple of months. Here they are along with a few other new releases.