New!  🙋🏼‍♂️Chat notifications and seven other changes you might have seen

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/6/22 2:23 PM
We like to ask new clients what convinced them to move from their previous church management system to Churchteams.  There are several distinctives, but always at the top is Text-to-Church.  
For a number of months we recognized that there was one thing missing.  It wasn't really a deal-breaker, just a really helpful potential add - notifications of new text chats.  It's exciting to announce that this feature is the headline for this newest version of release notes.
Here is an outline of the topic areas and specific upgrades.  Read them all, or click on one to skip down to learn more.
  1. Text: Chat Notifications
  2. Text: Volunteer (ME) page minor changes
  3. Volunteers:  Leader opt-out of accept / decline notifications
  4. Volunteers:  Reminder text messages link directly to schedule
  5. Volunteers:  Texts to scheduled team members who've not responded now link to schedule
  6. Giving: Address for online giving
  7. Giving: ACH refunds
  8. Giving:  Default contributions set to start of previous year
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Tags: New Release

Survey Results: The most used online giving features and their benefits

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/29/22 2:30 PM

This is the third in a series on year-end and online giving.  In this post we are going to rank the most used online giving features and consider their benefits to donors.    

All of these insights come from the survey we did a few weeks ago.  So, they originate from church leaders using online giving every week.  If you would like to learn more, join us tomorrow afternoon at 2 Eastern / 1 Central for our year-end onling giving zoom briefing.

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Tags: Giving

Online giving survey results:  3 levels of commitment, and 3 organizational benefits

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/22/22 2:00 PM

This is the 2nd of 3 blog posts related to end of the year campaigns and online giving.  Last week we looked at ideas for end of year online giving campaigns.  In this post, we're going to look at online giving from the perspective of organizational promotion and benefits.  

I really appreciate those of you who took the time to give us your thoughts.  I think your  responses are representative of a broad spectrum of churches and that they are very insightful. 

Consider this summary chart of how our survey respondents promote online giving.

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Tags: Giving

Survey Results:  4 ideas for year-end giving campaigns

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/15/22 3:15 PM

Thanks to everyone who took last week's survey.  In these next three posts we're going to look at a few statistics from these churches and their insights related to:  1) end of year campaigns, 2) organizational practices, and 3) individual benefits.  I picked up several good ideas and think you will to.

Let's start with these statistics from the survey that show the changes we all know happened in online giving since Covid.  73% of our respondents now receive more than 60% of their giving online compared to 27% in 2019.  That's a 270% increase!  

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Tags: Giving

$10 Starbucks gift card for your best ideas on year-end online giving

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/8/22 2:30 PM

For decades nonprofits and churches have used the holiday season as a special time to raise funds for ministry.  In fact a large percentage of income for many ministries will come in the next couple of months.  The significance of this season has only increased in the last decade with the poplularity and promotion of Giving Tuesday.

Our team could put together a list of ideas to help your church get the most out of online giving this season.  However, a lot has changed in recent years and we would like to hear your stats, stories, best practices, and/or creative ideas.   

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Tags: Giving

How Text-to-Check-in is like the Chic-fil-A app.

Posted by Reid Hopkins on 11/1/22 2:15 PM

Reid Hopkins is the Executive Pastor at The Brook in Madison, AL.  He also is the founder of, a website dedicated to encouraging Executive Pastors and helping the church be excellent with the administrative side of ministry.  We encourage you to check it out.

Next to our church is a busy Chick-fil-A.  At lunchtime, it’s hard to get in the parking
lot. Even though it has two lanes, the drive-thru line is so long people have to wait 30 minutes or more to place their order.  One of my best friends works with the team that built the Chick-fil-A app.  My favorite feature is the ability to place my order ahead of time for curbside pickup.  I order from the office, then go over and pick up my meal skipping the line completely.

The Churchteams Check-in system does for your church what the App does for Chick-fil-A. Our church is experiencing growth right now. We just completed a big construction project (a new worship center), and our church campus is located in a rapidly growing area of our city.

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Tags: Check-in, Church Management Software

5 important ideas that will make your church website better

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/25/22 11:00 AM

What do you think about your website?  Does it accomplish what you wish it would for your church or organization?  This past year we spent a lot of time asking and analyzing these questions for our website.

That's why we were so excited last week to publish the results of our work.  Check it out.  There are all kinds of articles and blog posts out there from professional marketing and website design firms that are incredible.  We don't pretend to compete with them.  But, we did learn some things along the way.

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Tags: Best Practices, Communication

New!  5 problems with church software reports and how we solve them.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/18/22 2:00 PM

We have been building software for churches for over twenty years and have regularly heard from clients about how cumbersome reports are across the industry. 

Some systems are so complex that creating a new report takes a degree in computer science. Others provide so many options that you're not sure which report is for what purpose.  Still others allow everyone to create reports and over time you're not sure who created what and which ones are still useful.

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Tags: New Release, Reports

3 reasons our least used feature may be the most powerful one.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/11/22 2:00 PM
A friend recently sent me the link to Simon Sinek's famous TED talk, "Start with Why". It has been a few years since I watched it, so I decided to invest 18 minutes for a refresher. I'm glad I did.
"Why" is the best way to make a case for the most under-utilized feature in the Churchteams tool box: Scheduled Reports. Here are three reasons why Scheduled Reports are so important and powerful.
First, people are lonely. Friends are not a nice extra to complement a me-first lifestyle.  God made us for friendship.  Only one thing was not good in creation prior to the first sin. That was for man to be alone. We're built for friendships and that's a good thing.
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Tags: Reports

The best way to make sure your church cares for those grieving loss.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/4/22 2:30 PM

We've been through a traumatic few years in the life of our country.  It is the topic of sermons, podcasts, blog posts, conferences, books, and everyday conversations.  But, for some of the people in your congregation the trauma has been far greater than for others.  And it may have nothing to do with either Covid or culture. 

The trauma I'm speaking of is the loss of a spouse, family member, or close friend.  It is during these dark times that the church often shines the brightest.  And, when it does the spouse or family members are forever grateful for the encouragement, prayer, help, and care they receive. 

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Tags: Automation

4 Ways to make a big kingdom impact

Posted by Nelson Searcy on 9/27/22 2:30 PM

Apple co-founder and visionary leader Steve Jobs made a bold statement in 1985 about the culture of Apple. He said: 

 "We attract a different type of person…Someone who really wants to get in a little over his head and make a little dent in the universe. We are aware that we are doing something significant…Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future."

 That make a "dent in the universe" mission shaped the influence and impact of Apple for years to come. 

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Tags: Church Management Software

New! Landing Pages, how to use them to improve ministry communication. 📈

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/20/22 11:00 AM

All of us realize that email marketing and website hosting are two different things. However, as we talked about last week's release of email links for text and social with our development team; we recognized that hosting email content was just a half step from being able to provide hosting for landing pages.  

It was so close in fact that we decided to build a Landing Page feature and released it with Email Links last week.  You can find it on Content Pages option under the Communicate button.  

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Tags: New Release, Communication

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