Why and how to make lapsed donors reports for pastoral care.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/12/21 2:30 PM

A lapsed donor is someone who used to give consistently to your church but has stopped.  Since giving data is generally the most accurate data in your database, it's relatively easy to measure.

But before I dig into the details of "how", we probably need to answer the question, "why track lapsed donors?".  At it's heart, this is a pastoral care issue.

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Tags: Giving, Reports

Why should you use lists to send email?  An important reason and a cool report.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/5/21 2:00 PM

You guys, email is not dead!  Sure, texting is emerging (we have you covered there) and social messaging and apps are vying for attention, but check out this stat in the Hubspot article, The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021.

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Tags: Best Practices, Reports, Communication

How to use reports to automate birthdays and other pastoral care opportunities.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/28/21 1:30 PM

Your birthday is a pretty big deal on Facebook.  If you use it a lot (or a little), you get to hear from dozens or hundreds of friends and family.  Even if you know that all they did was click a link or take 30 seconds to jot a note, it still makes you feel special.

Kids love getting mail, especially on their birthday.  Many children's ministries I know do a great job of making kids feel special by sending them a simple card on their day.

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Tags: Reports

How can I use data to establish groups or recruit volunteers?  Here's help.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/21/21 11:00 AM

Last week in our Roundtable on Reports, we talked about different ways to use group reports.  If you're interested in more, here's the podcast.  It's Episode 13.

Typically, you probably think of group reports as enrollment rosters or group attendance.  Of course, those are important because they help you see how well the ministry is doing.  But, data can also be a life-saver for dealing with two challenges that every church faces during this season of the ministry year.  Let's personalize those and see how group reports can come to the rescue.

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Tags: Volunteers, Reports

Five foundational ideas to grasp the mechanics of creating reports

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/14/21 2:00 PM

If you've ever created reports in software, you know that it can be challenging.  So, last week we started our fall Rountable on the topic of reports.  Check out episode 12 in the Roundtable Podcast to view the entire briefing.

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Tags: Reports

7 reasons churches love our software.  New: Roundtable on Reports.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/7/21 10:00 AM

If you ask around, I think you'll find that our clients love our software not just because of the technology, but also because our team cares about them.  Here's an excerpt from an email I got just last week from a Media Arts and Tech staff person after James helped them set up check-in.

"My friend was 100% right. ChurchTeams has been fantastic as we have gotten set up.  If you ever need an example person for a new church getting started please consider giving them my contact information. I would be happy to talk to anyone who has questions about what it is like to work with your software and your team."

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Tags: Church Management Software

Three page titles and a new webinar that make scheduling volunteers better.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 8/31/21 2:15 PM
 It has been just over 2 months since we released our new Service Volunteers feature which was designed to help staff effectively and efficiently schedule multiple teams for a worship service or other ministry experience. 
With every new release we look forward to clients and staff looking it over and giving us feedback. This post is a summary of that.
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Tags: New Release, Volunteers

Our New Look and Three Insights into the Importance Of Color

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 8/24/21 2:30 AM

If you follow this blog, you know that last week we released an important change to our look and feel.  The post focused on the ability to quickly look at a series of pinned attributes to have a sense of where someone is on your discipleship profile spectrum.

As you can see it gives a picture of their involvement with just a glance.  And it's fully customizable to accommodate the attributes you define as discipleship measures.  (Check out the Discipleship Signs series for more on that.)

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Tags: New Release, Best Practices

New! How to use color coding to spot discipleship signs at a glance.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 8/17/21 9:00 AM

If you haven't stayed up with recent blogs, check out the Tracking Discipleship Signs series.  In these posts I had a great time relating scripture application to data.  Then using this data to provide analytics that give you feedback on your discipleship effectiveness as a church.

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Tags: Groups

What is the best system for using QR codes for touchless check-in?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 8/10/21 3:00 PM

Imagine QR codes attractively posted for quick access as people gather for church: outdoor signs, indoor signs, signs on the back of chairs.  Picture people conveniently pointing their phone cameras and clicking a link to check-in.  Attendance is taken. Name tags are printed for kids.  The family security number is texted back.  And people receive a digital version of today's bulletin.

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Tags: Check-in

How to use data to track discipleship signs of leadership

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 8/3/21 2:00 PM

"To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said,“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-32

Here is another place that Jesus makes it clear what His disciples look like. 

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Tags: Groups

How to use data to track discipleship signs of serving

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 7/27/21 11:00 AM

"Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."  Luke 9:23

Here is another place that Jesus makes clear what he expects of his disciples and thus what you and I should expect of them. Our first sign in this series was commitment or surrender.  This is self-denial. The next expectations from this verse are cross-carrying and following.

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Tags: Groups

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