Boyd Pelley

Boyd Pelley
Co-founder, Churchteams. From 1990 to 2008 served as discipleship, administrative and family pastor of churches in New Mexico, Nebraska and Texas. Married 30+ years, 2 married adult children.
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Recent Posts

How volunteer scheduling helps you take back your Saturday nights.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/14/21 2:15 PM

If you've ever done it or had a spouse who has done it, you know that scheduling volunteers to serve on a consistent basis on Sundays is a complex and often grueling task.  It can often mean Saturday night or even Sunday morning phone calls from someone you were counting on who needs to back out.  And you have to find a replacement.  This is stressful for everyone involved.

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Tags: Volunteers

Five stops, one software - laying the tracks to train volunteers.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/7/21 2:15 PM

Last month I started this series on how to organize and build an effective volunteer system within Churchteams from start to finish.  As a reminder, here are the seven parts of this system.

1) Recruit.  2) Interview.  3) Verify.  4) Train.  5) Schedule.  6) Track.  7) Care.
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Tags: Volunteers

New!  Four pledge campaign upgrades you'll love including self-registration.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/30/21 10:00 AM

You've cast the vision for a new year, a new building, or a new missions opportunity.  You've asked people to pray to determine the part God would have them play in investing in this vision over the next months or years.  Now, it's time to let them respond.

The cardstock pledge cards have been handed out.  With them you gave out some really cool, branded pens as swag. The cards are collected and expectantly prayed over.  

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Tags: Giving, New Release

How to set up background checks to verify your volunteers are safe.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/23/21 11:00 AM

So far we've looked at how to use church software to recruit and interview potential volunteers.  Once you've determined that someone is a good fit for ministry, it is time to verify your assumptions by doing a background check.

Background checks are pretty normal for churches and I've observed how churches have gone from doing them just for children's ministry to doing them for almost all volunteers.  It's a great idea just to be sure you do your due diligence to make sure your volunteers are safe.

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Tags: Volunteers

How to manage interviews to get to know prospects and share the volunteer vision

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/16/21 1:30 PM

This is the third in a series of blog posts on everything related to volunteers.  In the last one we talked about different ways of identifying and recruiting volunteers directly and indirectly.

In all four approaches (direct registration, indirect registration, direct reports, indirect reports), we ended up with a group or "pool" of potential volunteers.

The next step in the process is to interview these people.  The purpose of the interview is threefold:

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Tags: Volunteers

4 ways church software can help you recruit volunteers

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/9/21 2:30 PM

Everything related to volunteers starts by creating a pool.  This is the gathering place from which a volunteer pipeline flows. 

You might refer to it as a list of potential volunteers that you create before starting to recruit.  If you would have asked me at one point in my ministry what it is, I would have called it the directory.  The directory is still a pretty common tool for recruiting volunteers.  So are sticky notes.  But there is a better way.

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Tags: Volunteers

How to organize and hack an effective volunteer system.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/2/21 1:30 PM

With today's technology, you know there has to be a hack to seamlessly organize the administrative process for everything related to volunteers. 

You know the processes involved and the different material and software applications that you use for each one, but what if there were a single software that can bring it all together?  

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Tags: Volunteers

What difference does a good team make?  Check out these new upgrades!

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/26/21 1:30 PM

Have you ever been a part of or had to interact with a team that hated what they do?  All of us have and it's no fun.  In fact, relational issues are the #1 reason people leave a job.

Not so with Churchteams.  We have an incredible team that loves Jesus, each other, what they do and serving you!  I offer this blog post on recent upgrades as evidence.

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Tags: New Release

The 3 best reports your team gets from our online giving platform.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/19/21 1:30 PM

As a church leader, you know the impact that online giving has had on the financial stability of your church through the Covid Pandemic.  It has been a life-saver.

You've also seen the improvements we and most online giving providers have made in the past few years in terms of user experience and things like giving donors the option to cover fees.  These have made it easier for them to give and help with costs.

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Tags: Giving

Why and how to make lapsed donors reports for pastoral care.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/12/21 2:30 PM

A lapsed donor is someone who used to give consistently to your church but has stopped.  Since giving data is generally the most accurate data in your database, it's relatively easy to measure.

But before I dig into the details of "how", we probably need to answer the question, "why track lapsed donors?".  At it's heart, this is a pastoral care issue.

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Tags: Giving, Reports

Why should you use lists to send email?  An important reason and a cool report.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/5/21 2:00 PM

You guys, email is not dead!  Sure, texting is emerging (we have you covered there) and social messaging and apps are vying for attention, but check out this stat in the Hubspot article, The Ultimate List of Email Marketing Stats for 2021.

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Tags: Best Practices, Reports, Communication

How to use reports to automate birthdays and other pastoral care opportunities.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 9/28/21 1:30 PM

Your birthday is a pretty big deal on Facebook.  If you use it a lot (or a little), you get to hear from dozens or hundreds of friends and family.  Even if you know that all they did was click a link or take 30 seconds to jot a note, it still makes you feel special.

Kids love getting mail, especially on their birthday.  Many children's ministries I know do a great job of making kids feel special by sending them a simple card on their day.

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Tags: Reports

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