Which option for calendar software is best for our church?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/30/24 2:00 PM

This might sound like a crazy question, but it is a real one for pretty much every church, "which option for calendar software is best for our church?" 

The reason it can be confusing is that there are so many voices and solutions out there. 

Most websites offer calendar features options.  Many Church Management Systems have a calendar option or even are built around a calendar.  Event management softwares offer calendars.  Facility management softwares offer calendars.  And, of course your office management software like Outlook and Google integrate their calendars into everything.

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Tags: Communication

How to solve the problem and see the potential of worship service attendance

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/23/24 1:45 PM

We had a church sign up for Churchteams the other day because they saw what we call "All Check" in action at another church. The big idea with All Check is that you can use it to check everyone in to everything they are involved in on a Sunday morning.

Not only is it used to check in kids and print out security tags, but all your students and adults use it as well to check-in to their small groups, serving teams, and worship.  Literally, everyone check-in to everything.

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Tags: Check-in

Notes:  How to make sure you don't drop the ball with people

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/16/24 2:30 PM

A support email came in the other day asking if we had a way to create private notes for a pastor or staff members.  I suspect he was thinking about pastoral care or counseling notes that need to be secured. 

But, there are many other conversations you have with people that are important not to drop the ball on.  Consider these:

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Tags: Communication

Epic!  The story of XPMinistry and how we serve other organizations

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/9/24 2:45 PM

Reid Hopkins has been a Churchteams raving fan for a long time.  Last year I mentioned highlighting ways people are using Churchteams through an occasional Epic! blog post. 

The part of Reid's story I want to highlight today is his launch of XP Ministry last year.  It does a great job illustrating how we are helping other, non-church organizations thrive.  Here's my interview with him.  

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Tags: Church Management Software

New!  Five feature improvements and two social commitments.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 1/3/24 3:00 PM
Happy New Year!  It seemed right to me this first week of 2024 to get out this list of five new feature improvements our team has done the last couple of months. 
None of these are super-amazing unless of course they save you a ton of time and effort.  Which is exactly what these are designed to do in their specific application.
You likely have new things you are looking forward to in the new year.  I am committing to better engage personally on Facebook and LinkedIn this year.  In fact I just posted some things I'm looking forward to doing and/or at least trying in 2024 there, along with a few of my likely optimistic prognostications.  
Back to new features from the end of 2023.  As usual, here is the list followed by the descriptions.   
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Tags: New Release

Five company bright spots and one reason we do what we do.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/19/23 2:00 PM

For me, Christmas sheds a great light on the previous year.  Does it you?  I have been a journaler for decades.  During the month of December I review my entries for the year and narrow them down to a few highlights that the Lord has said to me and is working out in my life.  These become my objectives to review and work on the next year.

I just did a similar thing by reviewing the New Release blog posts and reflecting on our business process improvements.  I looked over them and narrowed them down to these five bright spots for 2023.

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Tags: New Release

Epic!  These sermon application stats will inspire your use of text and workflows

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/12/23 2:45 PM
Seven weeks ago I wrote this blog post about how Stetson Baptist Church used Text-to-Church to get people to sign up to invite friends back to Church.   It was part of pastor Dan Glenn's sermon series on the Power of Routines. 
I promised a follow up when the series was over.  Here is the note I got back from Dan.  I think you'll agree that the results were incredible and I hope their creative use of Churchteams technology will encourage and inspire you.
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Tags: Best Practices

What makes Churchteams different from other Church Management Software?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 12/5/23 2:00 PM

For almost 2 years now, my friend Steve Caton of Altezza Solutions has been coaching me on Sales and Marketing.  I need all the help I can get.  From my recent reading I've been thinking about a topic that actually comes up in conversations all the time ...

"what makes Churchteams different?"

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Tags: Church Management Software

How does your online giving compare and other survey insights?

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/28/23 11:30 AM

I recently emailed a stewardship survey to our clients to get a pulse on online giving and stewardship in their churches.  The first part of the survey was to collect some basic numbers.   

In addition, we ran some numbers based on data across all our online giving organizations.   You might find it interesting to see how your church compares to these findings.  You'll see how to do that below.

The second part of the survey asked about the use of features and for stewardship stories.  One feature lags behind the others.  One idea and one story provide insights into helping people better use the online tools you provide.

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Tags: Giving

New!  How to keep your data clean and your donors happy

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/14/23 2:00 PM
How would you feel if your contribution statement was emailed to a friend instead of to you?  It might not be a huge deal because of the relationship you have with your friend.  But if you were the financial administrator of the church, you would hate the mess and clean it up.
It doesn't happen a lot, but it can happen.  The problem is that the email the church has on your record is your friend's, not yours.  There are several ways this might have happened.  The most common one is when your friend signed you up for an event and used his/her email for you instead of your real one.
The answer isn't to stop emailing statements because you will have the same problem with mailing addresses.  The answer is to keep your data clean.
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Tags: New Release

New!  Get the App.  Check on follow-up tasks.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 11/7/23 2:00 PM
Two of these five recent new releases are especially useful for your staff.  The first release below puts a prompt in front of staff who've not downloaded the App anytime they are using Churchteams on their phone.  You don't have to keep reminding them to install it.
Number four in the list provides a great way to see how staff or volunteers are doing on their follow up assignments.  Use the Save and Schedule features to automate the report so that notes on follow up tasks and conversations just show up in your inbox whenever you want them.
Here is the full list to preview.  Just click to read more or read through them all!
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Tags: New Release

The three stages of our growth as a church software company

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 10/31/23 2:00 PM

Part of our job as co-founders is to pray about, evaluate, and navigate our way forward as a company.  Our initial calling and the Lord's leadership each step along the way are helpful indicators of the plans He has for us. 

In the past month or so I've started thinking about the history of our company in three stages.  Each one building on the previous one.  Here is a short version of each of these. 

My hope is that you not only get to know us better, but also that it might be useful for you to think about how God is leading you.  As Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."   Here's how He has done that for us.

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Tags: Church Management Software

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