To say that Pokemon Go is a phenomenon is and understatement. I visited the App Institute's Pokemon Go real-time-status page and in the 3 minutes I watched, the Pokemon Go App made over $50,000 in revenue! Stretch those numbers out over a 24-hour period and you get $24 million!!! After it's release, it only took Pokemon Go 13 hours to become the top highest-grossing app in the United States. Nintendo's market value increased $9 billion in the first 5 days. All of this is amazing considering the fact that Nintendo invested $30 million to develop the app.
Alan Danielson

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Editor's Note: This entire article is satire. The views here are not really the views of the author, nor are the the views of Churchteams. This article is intended to educate by using irony and sarcasm in exposing and promoting the advantages of online giving in conjunction with traditional giving. Please enjoy this fun article as no offense is intended.
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Looking Ahead…A Sneak-Peek Into the Future of Church Management Software
I love science fiction. I watch sci-fi movies, read sci-fi books and even watch the Sify Channel. For the record, I hate that name. They should have stuck with “Sci-Fi Channel”. But anyway, I love how science fiction often becomes science fact. Jules Vern wrote about going to the moon and later it became a reality. Captain Kirk made calls to the Enterprise using a flip phone and in the first decade of the 21stcentury everyone was making calls on them! Captain Jen Luc Picard used a digital tablet back in the 1980s and today university students all over the globe are taking class notes on them.
I know. I know. The title of this article sounds offensive. Before you judge me too harshly, please hear me out. First, I’ve been guilty of uttering most of these things at some point in my life. I’m not pointing these phrases out with a crooked finger saying, “You’re bad!” I’m writing from the perspective of one who is growing in these areas myself. Second, let me explain exactly what I mean.
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Small Groups? Database Management? Children’s Check-In? Churchteams
In today’s world every church has data management needs. Managing church data doesn’t sound profound or spiritual, but it’s necessary. That’s why Church Management Software (ChMS or CMS for short) systems are wildly popular resources for church leaders. Since the 1980s entrepreneurs have been making software specifically designed for managing churches. As time has marched on and technology has progressed the abilities of ChMS systems has dramatically improved. As a result there are better services and products available for church management than ever before. If you are in the market for a ChMS, you will most likely want a system that includes the following much-in-demand features:
A tool nearly every church is finding indispensible is Church Management Software (ChMS or CMS for short). As an exponentially growing number of churches begin using ChMS systems, the need evolving and improving products is quickly increasing. It’s interesting that some of the best innovations in ChMS products come not from the developers but from the users. In other words, churches are helping shape the evolution of ChMS products. Those who use the products every day know what they really need, so their feedback is vital to ChMS growth.
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Online giving is no longer a fringe concept for churches. Churches all over the world are making it possible for donors to give via the internet. But what are the hidden costs? What are the benefits of the different methods for online giving? How do you understand all the online giving lingo and jargon? This article will answer these questions.
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3 Important Considerations When Choosing Child Check In-Software
With each passing month, more churches begin using children’s check-in software. That’s why more and more church management software (ChMS or CMS) companies are adding new check-in options to their products. As the number of choices increase, choosing the right software might become difficult. So here are a few questions to ask yourself when considering your kid’s check-in options:
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The Churchteams family would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas. We want to thank pastors and church leaders for allowing us to partner with you in ministry. It is our great privilege to serve you and help you accomplish your mission. May the Lord bless you as this year draws to a close and as a new year begins.
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Surprise! Churchteams can Help Your Church with Online Giving
Traditionally churches receive donation via offering plates and or offering boxes, but in the last 15 years the option to give digitally has slowly increased in popularity. In fact, online giving is no longer a trend, it’s the new normal for churches. It’s not uncommon for 50% or more of church revenues to come in through electronic giving. It’s also common for churches to see a financial increase of 10 to 20% when they intentionally ask their parishioners to shift from traditional giving to digital giving. So why then are some churches still reluctant to embrace online giving? Because they’ve been fooled by the following three common myths about giving digitally.