Why Gather? - User's Gathering (Zoom) next Monday.

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 5/26/20 10:00 AM
Boyd Pelley
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BarbecueIf it weren't for Covid 19, our staff and many of you would be looking forward to being together in North Fort Worth next week.  Barbecue and Tex-Mex were on the menu along with 2 days of fellowship and learning.  

We are Zooming for a couple of hours next Monday, June 1 instead.  Here's the link for ...

Details and Registration

It doesn't cost anything and there are still spaces left since we had to upgrade from 100 to 300 participants.  

So, why do we take the time to gather?  Of many, here are four reasons.  They apply not only for our software User's Gathering but also for re-opening your campus worship.

EncourageSpur One Another On.  Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) is the reference, and a nice tie to our Texas stereotype.  But, the point is to motivate, inspire, encourage each other.  It's easy to use software the way we've been doing it.  We gather to motivate to do more.

Learn from Experts.  Half of our talks will be led by staff.  People who give their best work effort to supporting and building tools to serve you and your church.  They live it every day and are on the leading edge of using the software with excellence.

Learn from Peers.  We expect the experts to know their stuff, but their world is a smattering of everyone else's world and not the real world of daily software use.  But, people like me that are in the trenches of a church every day speak from a different experience.  If they can do it, so can I.

Build the Future.  History provides insight and maturity,  but life is not static.  We are committed to use the best insights of the past and the most effective technology of the present to build the church software of the future.  We're looking forward to sharing some of the ideas we're thinking about and working on.

This year we're on Zoom, but as of now, we're planning to be in Ft. Worth next year!  Tentative dates are  June 7-8, the week after Memorial Day.

Tags: Church Management Software

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