Upgrade: Groupfinder Embed

Posted by Boyd Pelley on 3/3/20 10:15 AM
Boyd Pelley
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ChurchTeams-1527-copy-1Communication coordinators are sometimes concerned about using hyperlinks that move people away from the website to other applications. 
Link Builder (under Communication tab) creates links or code to display a set of groups; like a small group groupfinder, list of mission opportunities, or upcoming youth events.  You pick the set of groups / events using the group profile questions and it builds both a link and iframe embed code for that set of groups.   See arrow below.
iframe2Problem 1:  Shortly after we first added this feature there was a problem with an upgrade that kept the embed from working in Safari.  We provided a work around that included a form in every other browser but just a button in Safari to link to the registration.  When even that broke with a recent Safari upgrade, we found a brand new solution.  
Solution 1:  With this upgrade the embed code you create here will now work with every browser including Safari.  This makes it our new recommended best practice!
Problem 2:  If you've use Link Builder to create links (not code, but links), then you know that if you pasted the code into a browser to check it, you couldn't recopy it from the browser.  If you did the result would be a bad link because the browser stripped out some of the code.
Bonus Solution:  With this upgrade, this is no longer the case.  The Link that is built is shorter and no longer dependent on the old code.  The new links are also shorter.
▶️ Your action items from this post.
  1. If it's not broke.  If you already have links that are working fine, don't worry about this upgrade.  It will be helpful to you in the future.
  2. If you have Churchteams embed code on your website, trade it out.  You will find that the new code you create in Link Builder will improve the effectiveness of your embedded registration especially with your Mac and iPhone users.
Not sure what we're talking about?
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.  Click on these example links and scroll down to see the embedded groupfinder registrations.
  1. Youth Ministry Calendar on CT Website Integration page.
  2. Group Directory for Cypress Church 
Single Event Registration Forms
Our registration links all have an option to direct people back to the original page once they've registered for something from a Churchteams page.  (Registrations Settings > Completion Options).  At some point we are planning to provide code to embed registration forms like we do with Link Builder.

Tags: New Release, Groups

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