This is my last blog post for the year and may be a little geeky, but I'm going to share it with you anyway. I've always loved this poem and have customized it before for Christmases past. But, this one is for Christmas present. Receive it not just from me, but from our team as well. This is why we do what we do.
No Chimney Involved, But A Manger Is Found
Tis the blog before Christmas from my keyboard and mouse.
Gratitude is stirring, from ours to your house.
New features are released for our friends to share
Our hopes for 2018 for you are out there.
As this year becomes just memories in mind,
Our prayer is that peace, and joy you'll find.
As you spend time with family, and holiday naps,
Take off your worries and thinking caps.
Our software's still whirling, taking care of your matter,
It never sleeps, but gets fatter and fatter.
It's processing your data and that like a flash,
Fixing your phone numbers, adding a dash.
Sending out emails, to leaders galore,
While you soundly sleep and possibly snore.
As for the guy who's lively and quick,
Don't be fooled by jolly St. Nick.
Sure he's fun and part of the season,
But we all know, he's not the reason.
Joy to the world, from heaven He came,
And best of all, He's calling your name,
Now, Boyd! now James! Now Mark and Jill!
Now, Donna! Now Jenn! Now Steph, Bryce and Bill!
He knows about all of us, our naughty and nice,
He tossed out the list, he paid the price.
From heaven to earth, the christ-child bound,
No chimney involved, but a manger is found.
From that humble scene, comes all that we do,
From coding our software to talking to you.
As the year ends, this is our nod,
So grateful for you but serving our God.
Hand in hand, with you we exclaim,
Merry Christmas to all, in His holy name.