Last week Tim Cool, our friend and partner at eSPACE, shared how they are bringing this Internet of Things to church facilities. So, I thought I would build on the same SMART idea and share how Churchteams is providing SMART interaction with your church database through Text-To-ChurchTM.
Online giving companies brought us text to give. Marketing companies brought us text to receive content. In 2017 Churchteams released Text-to-ChurchTM, the SMART way to get your people to:
- Give
- Register for anything
- Complete a Communication Card (starting a follow-up workflow)
- Securely check-in their kids
- See contact assignments
- See their volunteer or training schedule
- Manage their groups
- Update their info
- Link to anywhere
You know, all the stuff you wish your people could do by interacting directly with your database!
Here’s how it works. You choose your own, local, ten-digit phone number that connects to your Churchteams database. Share the number with your people along with a keyword to do whatever you want them to do.
For example, I’d like to give you the chance to see how Text-to-ChurchTM works for registration, check-in and workflow automation. Hands on is the best way to learn (you can do this in one minute). Get out your phone right now and
… text SMART to (817) 677-9850.
Just follow the prompts to add a (made up) child, and text the word CHECK to check-in. You will get 3 follow-up texts (1 hour, 1 day, 1 week later) from our Workflow Automation inviting you to a Meet The Software guided tour but that’s it.
Now, imagine what you could do with a SMART database?
- Give guests and members who no longer carry checkbooks an easy way to participate in giving.
- Get rid of check-in lines.
- Offer an electronic communication card option in Worship.
- Let people register for any class or event by texting a keyword.
- Text staff and leaders of follow-up assignments.
- Take adult class attendance on a mobile phone.
- Automate guest follow-up so no one falls through the cracks.
- Simplify pastoral care and leadership development follow-up.
- Enhance church communication strategy.
- Simplify data management.
- All in ONE church software database!
eSPACE is leveraging technology for managing facilities. Churchteams is leveraging technology for managing people and processes. Our recent integration helps churches get the best of both. Now, that’s SMART.
Learn more by joining me for a MEET THE SOFTWARE WEBINAR.