
WFX 2018 New Product Award & Better Sleep

Written by Boyd Pelley | 11/27/18 1:45 PM

Great news, Churchteams friends and fans.  WFX magazine recognized Text-to-ME with a New Product of The Year Award for 2018!  Some of you may recall that we won the same recognition last year for Text-to-Check-in.  It was announced at the WFX Conference and Expo in Orlando recently.  Here is their announcement of the winners.

To read more about Text-to-ME click our dedicated winners page.  It gives you a good picture of this feature that many of you already use.

I am a fan of Seth Godin and am in the middle of reading his newest book, This Is Marketing.  In this book as in his blogs and other books Godin brings me back to what I believe, like he does, is the essence of marketing in today's world: build a great product that helps people. That's it.  That's the focus.  If it's good, people will recognize it and tell others. This award is a much appreciated affirmation of this principle and our commitment to it. 

Recently I wrote down three questions he asks to help us stay on track.  My responses are underlined. I thought you might find them interesting.

  1. Our product is for people who believe making disciples is the primary purpose of the Church.
  2. We will focus on people who want innovative software and competent, personal support.
  3. We promise that engaging with us will help you get better sleep knowing that you have systems in place to shepherd people well.

That's our promise.  Here's one of my favorite pages on our website.  We did this months ago.  Notice the header. It pretty well ties it all together.