
Pastor's Message on Text-to-Give

Written by Boyd Pelley | 4/25/17 11:01 AM

If I were a pastor writing to my congregation about texting to give.  Here's the blog post, email and/or newsletter article I would write.  Maybe it will give you some ideas or use it as it is, just change the phone number.


"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  2 Cor 9:7


Text Give to (817) 677-9850

We love texting!  All of us love to text.  We are excited to announce the release of our newest option for giving.  Just text Give to (817) 677-9850.

Click the link to setup text-to-give

You'll get a text back with instructions on how to set it up.  All you need is your name, email and credit/debit or bank account numbers.  You can use our sandbox card 4003 0001 2345 6781, exp 04/22, CVV 123.  But, we highly recommend you use your checking or savings account numbers because we'll save around 2% on fees compared to a credit card.


Once you have it set up, save the phone number as a contact.  Next time you want to give, just text the amount and it will be donated to the default, general fund.  

$10 Missions Monthly

Text Help to the same number and you'll get a text back with instructions on keywords to use to give to other funds and how to setup recurring giving.


Yes, it really is that simple to give with text-to-give.  This isn't a gimmick to manipulate you into giving.  It's a tool to help you give cheerfully, generously, and easily.

The Greatest Venture

When you've sought the Lord for direction, I recommend setting up recurring giving.  That way you know for sure you are consistently participating in the greatest venture God has given people - making Jesus known to all the world!

Thank You

We are grateful for your obedience to the Lord in this area of giving and your trust in us.  We seek to faithfully steward the Lord's resources in way that honors you and honors Him.