
New! Tags, notes & more.  People Are Your Priority.

Written by Boyd Pelley | 10/20/20 4:30 PM
Like you, we love people.  If you haven't seen it, watch our short video, People Are Your Priority
For you that means focusing less on tasks and more on people.  For us that means helping you focus less on tasks. We do that by listening.
We listen to your questions, your suggestions, and your heart.  These four upgrades in the past couple of months are examples of how we respond to what you say.  The people who suggested each of these already know about the upgrade.  This is for everyone else.
  1. Text-to-Check-in. One family, pick up tags at multiple locations.
  2. "Add to Group" report upgrade.
  3. Notes notification even without due date.
  4. Move to new family search expanded.
 Text To Check-in.  One family, pick up tags at multiple locations.
We've seen some scenarios where it made sense for a family to check one child in at one location and another at another location.  Until now, Text-to-Check-in did not accomodate this. 
To accomplish this, leave the redirect option (E6) empty in each check-in view. When a family checks in they will see the Thank You page along with the Close and Check-in Again buttons.  The upgrade was to redirect the Check-in Again link back to the page to select which printer station for the next check-in.  Previously it just went to the family page.   Here is the Thank You Page and the Check-in Again page:
"Add To Group" report upgrade.
This report lets you mass add people to a group based on any attribute.  We've had it for a couple of years, but recently upgraded it so that you choose the group you are adding people to before you run the report (see below).  Previously you wouldn't have these options until after running the report.  
You still see a summary and optional list of names after running the report.
Notes notification even without due date.
With this upgrade the person assigned to follow-up a note on the member profile will be notified of the assignment even if a due date is not entered.  Previously, the due date was required.  
Move to new family search expanded.
Previously, when moving a person out of a family to a new family the search only included last names.  This has been expanded to include both last and first names along with other inforamtion to make sure the person moving out is being moved into the correct next family.
We would love to hear from you! 
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