
Facility Operations And Churchteams

Written by Tim Cool | 7/7/20 3:29 PM

For nearly every church, the second or third largest line item in their budget is related to facility operations.  This includes the care, maintenance, energy consumption, capital reserves, etc.  All of this can be lumped into the cost of facilities. 

The number one question our eSPACE Event Scheduler team is asked, is “Can you integrate with our HVAC system?”.

Most churches and schools are asking this for 2 primary reasons:

  1. Operational effectiveness and efficiency:
    • How to reduce double entry of information in event calendars and again in the building automation system...OR…
    • How to reduce the manpower needed to run around the building all day adjusting thermostats...OR…
    • How to avoid the complaints from their staff and congregants that the HVAC was not on for their meetings.
  2. Energy and Financial Effectiveness:
    • How to avoid the electric meter spinning off its axis because the HVAC was left on all night.
    • How to reduce energy costs by only energizing the systems when the spaces/rooms are actually being used (what a concept).
    • How to increase the Life Cycle of the HVAC units by reducing the “run-time” of the units

These are real issues, and they have serious financial and operational impacts. We have seen 20-25% reductions in energy costs by implementing an HVAC to Event Scheduling integration. We have also seen increased staff productivity by taking out the 1-2 added steps that could be automated. Some of our clients have reported operational savings up to 30%. These are REAL savings. They are intentional!

As you know, Churchteams specializes in helping your church manage people.  eSpace specializes in helping your church manage facilities.  This includes applications designed to help with event management, HVAC integration, door access integration, digital sign integration, work order management, and capital reserve planning.

What you may not know is that these two innovative applications integrate with each other.  Here is a blog post with more details on how the integration works.

Contact Churchteams or eSPACE and let us know how we can serve you to increase operational AND financial (energy) efficiency.