
Advent - Login and Update Your Profile

Written by Boyd Pelley | 12/5/17 1:01 PM

One of the reasons I love technology is that everything about it is designed for life application. If I were going to write the story of the coming Christ with my technology hat on, it might look like this.

A long time ago God used a star in the sky to market the arrival of himself as a child.  It was optimized for those who knew history and paid attention to heaven. A group of wise men saw it, clicked their camels and journeyed to the bedsite.

They were briefly redirected to interact with a king who saw this child as a security threat to be quarantined. But, their antivirus software caught it and warned them in a dream to not go back to the king.

When they logged in to the bedsite, the UI was not what they expected. A barn and manger* was definitely not the script that they would have used to write the scene. But something about the experience was different, even divine. They had found the One Program that would do everything they longed for and needed. Through this child their profile, their identity, their operating system was updated forever. They surrendered, worshipped and devoted everything to him.

Matthew 2:11 says, "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."

What OS are you using to run the programs of your life? Maybe you're ready to bow down, worship and give your treasure to someone more eternal than you. Maybe you're like me and have swapped out to a Jesus OS. If so, make sure you check for updates daily through time in the word, prayer and community.  Either way, I pray this Christmas season will upgrade your relationship with our God who became flesh to show us how to live.

*Yes, I know that the wise men probably went to a house up to 2 years after the birth of Christ, but I was on a roll with the traditional image of Christmas in mind when writing this.