
7 reasons churches love our software.  New: Roundtable on Reports.

Written by Boyd Pelley | 9/7/21 3:00 PM

If you ask around, I think you'll find that our clients love our software not just because of the technology, but also because our team cares about them.  Here's an excerpt from an email I got just last week from a Media Arts and Tech staff person after James helped them set up check-in.

"My friend was 100% right. ChurchTeams has been fantastic as we have gotten set up.  If you ever need an example person for a new church getting started please consider giving them my contact information. I would be happy to talk to anyone who has questions about what it is like to work with your software and your team."

Customer success has always been a huge value for us. We've worked hard to give you 1) a great support team, 2) Knowledge Base, 3) Facebook Forum, and 4) On-demand Webinars

We do occasional 5) Briefings to introduce a new feature (like Service Volunteers in June) or focus on a feature at a strategic time in the ministry season (like Sending Statements in January).

We did a 6) User's Gathering in 2018 and a Zoom Gathering in 2020 since we couldn't meet due to Covid.  The Facebook Forum idea was birthed at the 2018 event.

Earlier this year we piloted a 7) weekly Roundtable on Zoom for 3 months as an open-ended time for discussion on topics participants brought up.  It was a good time for learning and relationship building.

Beginning today (Sept 7) at 3 Eastern, we want to try a modified version of the Roundtable.  We'll keep the name, but start with a briefing followed by 5 Roundtable discussions on how to make, save and get better feedback from the Reports feature.

When you multiply the number of different ways that people want to see information by the sheer amount of data in the database, you get an idea of why reports seem so complex.  Our goal will be to share some ideas on using reports to help you get more from them.  At the same time we anticipate the discussion helping us spot points of confusion that we can make better.

Would you help us prepare by doing two things?

  1. Add it to your calendar from Roundtable Central. This page is also accessible in the Community Card.
  2. Complete a short survey (clients) on "What reports do you look at?".  We'll share the results and use them to help us navigate our discussion.

Want to know why your success matters so much to us?  It's because Philippians 2:3-4 has driven our culture from the very beginning.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

That's pretty straightforward.