
3 reasons I am hoping to write a book using this blog

Written by Boyd Pelley | 8/6/24 7:45 PM

When I turned 60 a couple of years ago I began thinking more seriously about this next 20 year section of my life. 

I've read a ton about retirement, finishing well, and similar topics.  I've spent even more time talking to friends who've gone before me.  The most encouraging thing about all this work has been that it affirms what I've given the last two 20 year life sections of my life to.  

During this time of reflection I recognize that there have been some value-laden lessons that the Lord has taught me about ministry, business, technology, story, and family.  I have a real desire to write about these lessons.  But, writing a book seems daunting when there are plenty of other demands for my time.

I've talked with friends who are authors to learn more about this process.  One of them, Damon Stoddard, even put together a really helpful book-writing training video.  I finally took the time a couple of months ago to take the class myself.  I'm glad I did.  

One of the challenges he shares with his students is to go public about your desire to write a book by writing a blog about it.  He even shares that one of the strategies for writing a book is to blog it.  After a couple of months of prayer and thought, I'm ready.

So, in between other blog posts about current ministry, technology, and Churchteams topics; I'm going to blog the draft of chapters of a book.  Assuming this isn't merely aspirational and I actually accomplish it, the final version will probably be quite different, but I'm going to make some headway using time I've already allotted to write this blog.

Before I even start with the introduction, I have to answer the "Why" question.  That's part of my assignment.  I've thought quite a bit about that and have come up with these three reasons.

  1. To illustrate what it means to live out the Bible in every area of life.  The title I'm working with right now gets to this point in a very personal way.  That probably should be the introduction, so I'll save it for later.

  2. To tell the Churchteams story so far.  We've lived through some wild-west type decades of software development for ministry.  It has been our privilege to be part of that group of radical pioneers.  I think what our team has learned can be helpful for entrepreneurs and ministry technology fans.

  3. To tighten up the stories so that I can tell them well.  If you have ever taught anything, you know that you learn far more when you put together a talk or lesson than you do when you participate in one.  I feel like I need to organize and write the life lessons I've been given in order to steward them well in this next section of life.

These are pretty simple and very personal reasons I am hoping to write a book.  I've been blogging consistently for around 10 years and sporadically a decade before that.  So this is a good venue for me to work on this project.  

I am so totally aware of my own limitations.  I'm not a scholarly theologian, nor a seasoned preacher.  I'm not a serial entrepreneur, nor a storied executive.   I'm a pretty average husband, dad, and grandpa.  So, I have no illusions of grandeur with this project.  These 3 reasons really are my heart.